Are you raging? Do you wish writing code was easier?
Cry No More!
With IMissTheRage everytime you slam you desk out of frustration, IMissTheRage simply 'undos' your most recent changes!!!
Runs on Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect
Compatible with Macos (can be made compatible by changing char code of meta key (0x08) to Ctrl (find it yourself in USBKeyboard.h)
Some Notes
Aruino RP2040 is an arduino board based on rasberry pi's RP2040 Microcontroller (which was a huge pain to work with because everything is written for ATMEL)
Aruino RP2040 has an IMU unit (Acceleromter)
Aruino RP2040 has native usb 🤲
Rage threshold is adjusted with 'threshold' variable
Requires the Arduino_LSM6DSOX library (installable via arduino IDE)
Arduino_LSM6DSOX readGyroscope and readAccelerometer seem to swapped, hence readGyroscope usage