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+# IMissTheRage
+Are you raging? Do you wish writing code was easier?
+Cry No More!
+With IMissTheRage everytime you slam you desk out of frustration, IMissTheRage simply 'undos' your most recent changes!!!
+Runs on Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect
+Compatible with Macos (can be made compatible by changing char code of meta key (0x08) to Ctrl (find it yourself in USBKeyboard.h)
+Some Notes
+- Aruino RP2040 is an arduino board based on rasberry pi's RP2040 Microcontroller (which was a huge pain to work with because everything is written for ATMEL)
+- Aruino RP2040 has an IMU unit (Acceleromter)
+- Aruino RP2040 has native usb 🤲
+- Rage threshold is adjusted with 'threshold' variable
+- Requires the Arduino_LSM6DSOX library (installable via arduino IDE)
+- Arduino_LSM6DSOX readGyroscope and readAccelerometer seem to swapped, hence readGyroscope usage