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Nix shell

All commands mentioned below is available in the nix-shell, if you run nix-shell with working dir = project root.

Go dependencies

Run make dependencies to (re-)install pinned dependencies in vendor-dir

Gopkg.toml specifies at which branch/tag each dependency is requested to be at. Gopkg.lock specifies a concrete revision each dependency is pinned at.

If you want to bump dependencies to newest commit, run dep ensure -update, this will change Gopkg.lock, which has to be git-committed.

If you make larger changes to the code base, you can delete both Gopkg.toml and Gopkg.lock and run dep init followed by dep ensure to create a fresh set of dependency tracking files. don't forget to test afterwards.


Run make assets after updating files from data/

Building the project with pinned dependencies

$ nix-shell

$ make

Your GOPATH must be set in your local environment, however /vendor is used exclusively for dependency resolution.

Building a nix derivation

$ nix-shell

$ make derivation

Produces "default.nix" and "deps.nix" which can be copied to the deployments repo