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Output consistency tests


These tests aim to ensure that data-flow rendering (DFR) and constant folding (CTF) produce the same outcome when evaluating an expression.

To do so, this test framework generates queries with random expressions based on the input specification (data types, values per data type, operation and function definitions, and relations between them). Then, it evaluates the same expressions using data-flow rendering (by accessing table data) and constant folding (by accessing constant data defined in a view). Finally, it validates and compares the outcome (result data or database error message).

Getting started

To launch the tests using mzcompose, run

bin/mzcompose --find output-consistency down -v && bin/mzcompose --find output-consistency run default

To start the tests from a shell, use

bin/output-consistency-test --max-runtime-in-sec 60

Possible parameters are:

  • --max-runtime-in-sec: limit the duration of the test execution (0 is unlimited, but max-iterations must be set in this case)
  • --max-iterations: limit the number of processed expressions (0 is unlimited, but runtime-in-sec must be set in this case)
  • --seed: specify a certain seed to allow reproducibility
  • --dry-run: only print the queries without executing them
  • --fail-fast: abort the execution after the first test error (comparison mismatch)
  • --verbose: print queries and details, otherwise only queries with warnings and errors will be printed
  • --avoid-expressions-expecting-db-error: try to avoid executing expressions likely producing a database error (e.g., division by zero)
  • --max-cols-per-query: maximum number of columns per query


Basic Functionality

  • Generate and setup data structures
  • Generate queries with random expressions
  • Execute queries and collect results
  • Validate outcomes of different computation modes of a query template
  • Ignore known inconsistencies
  • Generate minimal reproducible code snippets
  • Split and retry multi-column queries when receiving a database error

Advanced Features

  • Generate expressions with aggregation functions
  • Generate nested expressions

Handle test failures

If there are any failures, validate them and create a ticket if appropriate.

Then, until the ticket is resolved, you can

  • add ignores for inconsistencies in misc/python/materialize/output_consistency/ignore_filter/
  • normalize error messages in misc/python/materialize/output_consistency/validation/

Mention ignored entries or normalizations in the ticket so that they can be reverted when the ticket is resolved.


UML Overview

UML overview

Relevant Concepts

A DataType specifies a SQL data type and belongs to a DataTypeCategory (e.g., INT8 to NUMERIC). A DataValue specifies a SQL value (e.g., 100::INT8) and is associated with a type; each value represents a column and is used when accessing horizontally stored data. A DataColumn specifies the column of a type that is used when accessing vertically stored data. Values of a type and the vertical-storage column are collected in DataTypeWithValues to avoid a circular dependency.

DataValue and DataColumn are two forms of an Expression. Another form is the ExpressionWithArgs, which is derived from an operation or function; it specifies a return type category and usually has child expressions. An expression has ExpressionCharacteristics, which describe the content and allow specifying constraints or filters. Examples appropriate for numeric expression are NULL, MAX_VALUE, and NEGATIVE. While they are easy to define for values, they will need to be derived for expressions with arguments.

A DbOperationOrFunction specifies an operation (e.g., a * b) or a function (e.g., SIN(a)). It holds a set of OperationParams; each parameter has a type, a marker whether it is optional, and defined incompatibilities (e.g., the division operation disallows an expression with characteristic ZERO for the second parameter). An ExpressionWithArgs is created by providing expressions as arguments to a DbOperationOrFunction.

A QueryTemplate contains one or more expressions. A query shall ideally contain only a single expression if the expression is expected to produce a database error; otherwise, it shall ingest multiple expressions for performance reasons. (Note that queries with multiple columns that produce a database error will be split and retried at execution.) The query template will be executed with each EvaluationStrategy (currently data-flow rendering and constant folding) and produce a QueryOutcome per strategy, which is either a QueryResult or a QueryFailure. The different outcomes are collected in a QueryExecution.

When validating the query outcome, a ValidationOutcome will be created for each query execution. It denotes whether the validation produced a positive result and may contain errors, warnings, and remarks.

The ConsistencyTestRunner orchestrates the test run. To do so, it receives a ConsistencyTestConfiguration as input, delegates to ExpressionGenerator, QueryGenerator, SqlExecutor, and ResultComparator, and produces a ConsistencyTestSummary as output.

Value Storage Layouts

Horizontal storage

The table or view contains a single row; a data type has a column for each value. The row_index is not really needed but avoids that aggregation functions with ordering (e.g., array_agg(x order by row_index)) need to be specified in a different way for this storage layout.

row_index bool_null bool_true bool_false int2_null int2_zero int2_one int2_max int2_neg_max int4_null
0 NULL true false NULL 0 1 32767 -32768 NULL

Vertical storage

The table or view contains multiple rows; one column per data type exists.

row_index bool_val int2_val int4_val int8_val uint2_val ...
0 true 0 0 0 0 ...
1 false 1 1 1 1 ...
2 true 32767 2147483647 9223372036854775807 65535 ...
3 false -32768 -2147483648 -9223372036854775808 0 ...
4 true 0 0 0 0 ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Package Structure

  • common contains the configuration and constants
  • data_type defines the data type structure (actual types are specified in input-data/types)
  • data_value defines the data value structure (actual values are specified in input-data/values)
  • execution contains the logic to execute the statements against the database using pgwire
  • expression defines the expression structure (expressions are generated at runtime based on types, values, and operations)
  • generators contains the expression and query generator
  • input_data contains the input data used to generate expressions and queries
    • operations
    • params
    • types
    • validators
    • values
  • known_inconsistencies contains a filter to allow skipping certain expressions that produce known inconsistencies
  • operation defines the structure of operations, functions, and their parameters (actual operations are specified in input-data/operations)
  • output contains the output printer
  • query defines the query and result structure
  • runner contains the test runner orchestrating the logic
  • selection contains the random picker
  • validation contains the logic to conduct the outcome comparison