Hi! Here you can find the datasets and code that we have used for unsupervised learning lab :)
Explanation of the variables
child mort: Death of children under 5 years of age per 1000 live birth.
country: Name of the country.
exports: Exports of goods and services per capita. Given as %age of the GDP per capita
health: Total health spending per capita. Given as %age of GDP per capita.
imports: Imports of goods and services per capita. Given as %age of the GDP per capita.
income: Net income per person.
inflation: The measurement of the annual growth rate of the Total GDP.
life_expec: The average number of years a new born child would live if the current mortality patterns are to remain the same.
total_fer= The number of children that would be born to each woman if the current age-fertility rates remain the same.
gdpp= The GDP per capita. Calculated as the Total GDP divided by the total population.