Simple online timelog tool.
Cyclone allows you to track your tasks during a day and keep a good overview of it.
You wonder, what you did during a day... Maybe you also need to keep tracking time into a company software or issue tracker and switch tasks/projects multiple times, Cyclone helps you to manage this.
With Cyclone you can
- Track your daily work as entries in a timeline
- Tracked entries can be marked as "done". (eg. when booked into an other tool)
- Grouping entries as tasks
- Work/Private separate your entries from work and private time. (like lunch & breaks)
- Archive allows you to go back, and verify what you tracked in the past.
- Calendar (new) Gives you a rough overview of projects you worked and if there are any missing entries you forgot to check as "done".
Access is done with authentication:
- simple email/password account
- google account
Ask me for access the tool: Limited access, because I use the free google service with limited accounts.
- AngularJS(1.x)
- Firebase(3.x)
- AngularFire(2.x)
Fabian Gander - @github
- also see the github tickets
Newest versions of modern browsers ;)s