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The Mito Spreadsheet

This folder contains a variety of packages and utilities for the mitosheet Python package. The primary folders of interest:

  • mitosheet contains the Python code for the mitosheet Python package.
  • src contains the TypeScript, React code for the mitosheet JupyterLab extension front-end.
  • css contains styling for the frontend.
  • deployment contains scripts helpful for deploying the mitosheet package

The mitosheet Package

Notably, the mitosheet package is currently deployed under a variety of different names. Currently, we deploy mitosheet and mitosheet3 as identical Python packages that both work as JupyterLab extensions for JupyterLab >3.0. We also deploy mitosheet2 as an identical Python package, except that it is built for JupyterLab 2.0.

As there are mulitple platforms to develop on, we highly reccomend developing on JupyterLab 3.0. We provide setup instruction for all packages below.

Mitosheet with JupyterLab 3.0

For Mac

We have a setup script for Mac. Just run

bash devsetup/

Then, in a seperate terminal, run

source venv/bin/activate
jupyter lab

(note that the second command can be jupyter notebook if you want to develop here).

For Windows

First, delete any existing virtual enviornment that you have in this folder, and create a new virtual enviornment.

On Windows (in command prompt, not powershell):

rmdir /s venv
python3 -m venv venv

Then, make sure that you have switched to mitosheet or mitosheet3 as the correct package (as these are the names of the packages that we use with JLab 3). You can perform this with the command:

python mitosheet

Note that if you want to run mitosheet3 (which should be identical), just switch the above command to python mitosheet3.

Then, run the following commands to create a virtual enviorment, install a development version of mitosheet in it, and then launch Jupyter Lab 3.0.

pip install -e ".[test, deploy]"
jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite
jupyter lab

If the pip install -e ".test, deploy]" fails and the folder pip-wheel-metadata exists in your Mito folder, delete it.

In a seperate terminal, to recompile the front-end, run the following commands (npm install only needs to be run the first time).

npm install
jlpm run watch

NOTE: On Windows, this seperate terminal must be a Adminstrator terminal. To launch an admin terminal, search for Command Prompt, and then right click on the app and click Run as adminstrator. Then navigate to the virtual enviornment, start it, and then run jlpm run watch.

Furthermore, if the final jlpm run watch or npm install command fails, you may need to run export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider.

Developing on Jupyter Notebook

If you are developing on the mitosheet package, you can also develop in a Jupyter Notebook. Simply run the comands:

jupyter nbextension uninstall mitosheet # NOTE: not sure why this first is needed. Somehow, it gets installed in the
jupyter nbextension install --py --symlink --sys-prefix mitosheet
jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix mitosheet           

Then, seperate terminal run npm run watch:all and (again in a new terminal) jupyter notebook.

One Liner Command for Mac

deactivate; rm -rf venv; python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate && python mitosheet && pip install -e ".[test, deploy]" && jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite && jupyter lab

Mitosheet with JupyterLab 2.0

First, delete any existing virtual enviornment that you have in this folder, and create a new virtual enviornment.

On Mac:

rm -rf venv;
python3 -m venv venv;
source venv/bin/activate;

On Windows (in command prompt, not powershell):

rmdir /s venv
python3 -m venv venv

Then, make sure that you have switched to mitosheet2 as the correct package (as this is the name of the package that we use with JLab 2). You can perform this with the command:

python mitosheet2

Then, run the following commands to create a virtual enviorment, install a development version of mitosheet2 in it, and then launch Jupyter Lab 2.0.

pip install -e ".[test, deploy]"
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@2 --no-build
jupyter labextension install .
yarn cache clean
jupyter lab --watch

If the pip install -e ".test, deploy]" fails and the folder pip-wheel-metadata exists in your Mito folder, delete it.

If the jupyter labextension install . command fails, then you may need to run export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider.

In a seperate terminal, to recompile the front-end, run the command:

npm run clean:all
npm run build:labextension
npm run watch:lib

One Liner Command for Mac

deactivate; rm -rf venv; python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate && python mitosheet2 && pip install -e ".[test, deploy]" && jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@2 --no-build && jupyter labextension install . && yarn cache clean && jupyter lab --watch


Backend Tests

Run automated backend tests with


Automated tests can be found in mitosheet/tests. These are tests written using standard pytest tools, and include tests like testing the evaluate function, the MitoWidget, and all other pure Python code.


This project has linting set up for both (Python)[] and (typescript)[].

Run typescript linting with the command

npx eslint . --ext .tsx --fix

Using the fuzzer

Setting up the fuzzer is an annoying and long process, and so we do not include it in the main install commands for setting up Mito (for now, we will if we figure out how to optimize this).

To use the fuzzer, you need to install pip install atheris. This might work for you (it didn't for me). If it doesn't work, and you get a red error, check the error to see if it is telling you to download the latest version of clang. If it is, then try:

cd ~
git clone
cd llvm-project
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='clang;compiler-rt' -G "Unix Makefiles" ../llvm # NOTE: if this doesn't work, you might need to install cmake. Google how to do this
make -j 100 # This literally takes hours

Then, go back to the venv you want to install the fuzzer in, and run: CLANG_BIN="/Users/nate/llvm-project/build/bin/clang" pip install atheris, and it should work.

Running the fuzzer

Run the fuzzer with python mitosheet/tests/, and it will run till it hits an error.

How the Build Works

This represents my best understanding of how the packaging process works. There might be slight misunderstandings here, so don't take this as gospel, but rather as the general shape of things.

For JupyterLab 3

  1. First, the TypeScript is compiled to JS, and placed in the ./lib folder.
  2. Then, the ./lib and ./css folder (specified in files) are build by the command jupyter labextension watch . into the mitosheet/labextension folder.
  3. Note that jupyter labextension watch . figures out the source and destination locations through the jupyterlab information in the package.json.

For JupyterLab 2

  1. First, the TypeScript is compiled to JS, and placed in the ./lib folder
  2. Then, the ./lib and ./css folder (specified in files) are "packed" into the ./mitosheet folder in ./mitosheet/labextension - which functionally they are zipped into a single file.
  3. The mitosheet package (including this JS and CSS) is then placed in the jupyter/share folder, whereever Jupyter is installed.
  4. Then, JupyterLab is rebuilt, and the rebuild includes this new mitosheet package, including the JS + CSS it contains.

For Jupyter Notebooks

  1. First, the TypeScript is compiled to JS, and placed in the ./lib folder.
  2. Then, the entry points extension.js and index.js are built by the webpack.config.js into mitosheet/nbextension.
  3. On load of the notebook, the extension.js file runs. And index.js is used when the widget is actually called - specifically, it gets the widgets it needs.