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Docker compose for cardano relay and block producer node.


Since cardano node does not support override of configurations with command line arguments or environment variables, this repo does not contain any configuration by default. Instead there are sample configs on sample_config folder for all supported networks. You need to copy the specific network configs to the folder config on root directory and edit accordingly before running the node. This makes the repo very dynamic and can support cardano relays and block producer at same time.

NB: sample_config has default config from cardano You can also download the config files from there if the ones on sample_config are outdated.

curl -O -J${NETWORK}/config.json
curl -O -J${NETWORK}/db-sync-config.json
curl -O -J${NETWORK}/submit-api-config.json
curl -O -J${NETWORK}/topology.json
curl -O -J${NETWORK}/byron-genesis.json
curl -O -J${NETWORK}/shelley-genesis.json
curl -O -J${NETWORK}/alonzo-genesis.json
curl -O -J${NETWORK}/conway-genesis.json

Example to copy mainnet config: This will create a folder config/mainnet with configurations for mainnet network.

cp -r sample_config/mainnet/ config/
cp -r sample_config/preprod/ config/
cp -r sample_config/preview/ config/

Supports the following networks:

  1. Testnet / Preview
    NetworkMagic: 2
    # Check tip
    docker compose exec cardano-node cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 2
    # Alternative check tip for any network
    ./ethd tip
  2. Testnet / Preprod
    NetworkMagic: 1
    # Check tip
    docker compose exec cardano-node cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 1
    # NB can use alternative
  3. Mainnet / Production
    NetworkMagic: 764824073
    # Check tip
    docker compose exec cardano-node cardano-cli query tip --mainnet
    # NB can use alternative

Patterned after eth-docker and meant to be used with for traefik and Prometheus.

You can copy ext-network.yml.sample to ext-network.yml and allow the node to run on same network as where traefik and prometheus run. This will allow proxy and metrics to work without exposing their ports and just using docker service discovery with service names.

./ethd install can install docker-ce for you

cp default.env .env, adjust variables, and ./ethd up

There's an rpc-shared.yml if you want the RPC exposed locally, instead of via traefik

To update cardano, use ./ethd update followed by ./ethd up

This is cardano-docker v1.0


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