This repository contains the Kurdish text equivalents of the numbers and Kurdish numbering rules.
- Digits from zero to nine are specific words, namely sifir [0], yek [1], du [2], sê [3], çar [4], pênc [5], şeş [6], heft [7], heşt [8], and neh [9].
- Numbers from eleven to nineteen are made by setting the unit digit root before the word for ten (deh), with no space: yazdeh [11], duwazdeh [12], sêzdeh [13], çardeh [14], panzdeh [15], şazdeh [16], hevdeh [17], hejdeh [18], and nozdeh [19].
- The tens have specific names based on the multipliers digits roots, except for ten and twenty: deh [10], bîst [20], sih [30], çil [40], pêncî [50], şêst [60], heftê [70], heştê [80], and nod [90].
- The hundreds are built by telling the multiplier digit, then the word for hundred (sed), with a space (e.g.: pênc sed [500], şeş sed [600]).
- The thousands are built by telling the multiplier digit, then the word for thousand (hezar), (e.g.: çar hezar [4,000], pênc hezar [5,000], şeş hezar [6,000]).
- Compound numbers are built by spelling out the ten, then the digit, united with the word û (e.g.: sih û du [32], heftê û yek [71]). The rule is the same between hundred and ten or unit, and between thousand and hundred (e.g.: sed û yek [101], hezar û du sed [1,200]).
- One million is milyon.
- From one million to less than one billion works the same way as thousands (the 5's rule included).
- One billion is milyar.
- More than 1 billion will be spelled a number by number.
- One trillion is trilyon.
- Continues as: Trilyar<katrilyon<katrilyar<kentilyon<kentilyar.
- Click the download button to download the .txt file.
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