A simple but functional GraphQL client built on Redux for a great development experience.
In the planning stage.
- A simple cache format that can be understood by every user
- A simple query AST that can be operated on to do useful things
- No specific build tool requirement
- A frontend-agnostic query aggregation component
- Run any GraphQL query once, just like Lokka
- Run a GraphQL query with the ability to reactively receive updates via refetching and optimistic UI
- Optimistic updates for mutations by operating directly on the GraphQL cache
- Ability to refetch any GraphQL query or fragment
- Query aggregation like Relay, but without having to use a specific router or view rendering framework
- Routers
- Flow router
- React router
- Angular UI router
- View layers
- React
- Blaze
- Angular
- Angular 2
- ... documentation for easy integration with other desired view technologies: Vue, Ember, Riot, etc
- Data management systems
- Redux
- Tracker
- ... documentation for easy integration with other data management systems