Basic chat window functionality
install with npm install @conversationalcomponents/chat-window
import React from "react";
import {ChatWindow} from "@conversationalcomponents/chat-window";
export const Example = () => (
isUser: false,
message: "Hi, this is an example",
avatar: "",
id: "message_0",
isLoading: false
An example with fake conversation:
import React, {useState, useEffect} from "react";
import {ChatWindow} from "@conversationalcomponents/chat-window";
const makeMessage = (isUser: boolean, text: string, id: number) => ({
message: text,
avatar: isUser ? "" : "",
id: `message_${id}`,
isLoading: false
const botReplies = ["Wow!", "Fascinating, please do go on", "Amazing!", "Really?", "If you say so..."];
export const Example = () => {
const [content, setContent] = useState([makeMessage(false, "Hello and welcome to the example!", 0)]);
useEffect(() => {
const lastEntry = content.length && content[content.length - 1];
lastEntry &&
lastEntry.isUser &&
setContent([...content, makeMessage(false, botReplies[Math.floor(Math.random() * botReplies.length)], 0)]);
}, [content]);
return (
onSubmit={(text: string) => setContent([...content, makeMessage(true, text, content.length)])}
An example with custom header, typing animations (Typescript):
import React, {useState, useEffect} from "react";
import {useUserTyping, useBotTyping, ChatWindow} from "@conversationalcomponents/chat-window";
import {ChatEntry} from "@conversationalcomponents/chat-window/types";
const botReplies = ["Wow!", "Fascinating, please do go on", "Amazing!", "Really?", "If you say so..."];
const getBotReply = () => botReplies[Math.floor(Math.random() * botReplies.length)];
const userAvatar = "";
const botAvatar = "";
export const Example = () => {
const [content, setContent] = useState<ChatEntry[]>([]);
const [lastInputValue, setLastInputValue] = useState("");
const [lastUnsubmittedInput, setLastUnsubmittedInput] = useState("");
useEffect(() => {
const lastEntry = content.length && content[content.length - 1];
if (!lastEntry || lastEntry.isUser) return;
}, [content]);
useEffect(() => {
lastInputValue && setLastUnsubmittedInput("");
}, [lastInputValue]);
useUserTyping(content, setContent, lastUnsubmittedInput, lastInputValue, userAvatar);
const isBotDoneTyping = useBotTyping(content, setContent, lastInputValue, botAvatar);
useEffect(() => {
if (!isBotDoneTyping) return;
const lastEntry = content.length && content[content.length - 1];
if (!lastEntry || lastEntry.isUser) return;
lastEntry.message = getBotReply();
lastEntry.isLoading = false;
}, [isBotDoneTyping]);
return (
headerAdditionalContent={<div style={{flex: 1, display: "flex", justifyContent: "center"}}>HEADER</div>}
onChange={(text: string) => setLastUnsubmittedInput(text)}
onSubmit={(text: string) => setLastInputValue(text)}
An example with typing animations that echoes user's input back:
import React, {useState, useEffect} from "react";
import {ChatEntry} from "@conversationalcomponents/chat-window/types";
import {useUserTyping, useBotTyping, ChatWindow} from "@conversationalcomponents/chat-window";
const userAvatar = "";
const botAvatar = "";
export const Example = () => {
const [content, setContent] = useState<ChatEntry[]>([]);
const [lastInputValue, setLastInputValue] = useState("");
const [lastUnsubmittedInput, setLastUnsubmittedInput] = useState("");
const [nextBotReply, setNextBotReply] = useState("");
useEffect(() => {
const lastEntry = content.length && content[content.length - 1];
if (!lastEntry || lastEntry.isUser) return;
}, [content]);
useEffect(() => {
lastInputValue && setLastUnsubmittedInput("");
}, [lastInputValue]);
useUserTyping(content, setContent, lastUnsubmittedInput, lastInputValue, userAvatar);
const isBotDoneTyping = useBotTyping(content, setContent, lastInputValue, botAvatar);
useEffect(() => {
if (!isBotDoneTyping || !nextBotReply) return;
const lastEntry = content.length && content[content.length - 1];
if (!lastEntry || lastEntry.isUser) return;
lastEntry.message = nextBotReply;
lastEntry.isLoading = false;
}, [isBotDoneTyping]);
return (
headerAdditionalContent={<div style={{flex: 1, display: "flex", justifyContent: "center"}}>HEADER</div>}
onChange={(text: string) => setLastUnsubmittedInput(text)}
onSubmit={(text: string) => setLastInputValue(text)}