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Pyramid Scheme


What is this language?

Pyramid Scheme is most similar in evaluation style to a LISP-like language. However, instead of anything sane like parentheses to group evaluation order, Pyramid Scheme unsurprisingly uses Pyramids. Yes, Pyramids. The "root" of evaluation is collected on the first line; any ^ character on the first line indicates the beginning of a pyramid. Then, a pyramid must have / and \ characters stemming downards from the ^, finally closed off by a line of -s. Here is an example of a blank Pyramid:

 / \
/   \

As far as writing programs goes, what's important to us here is not the height or width of the Pyramid, but rather how many character can fit inside a Pyramid. The above Pyramid can hold 4 characters inside of it; 1 for the first row, and 3 for the second. In general, a Pyramid of order N can contain simply N2 characters.

A Pyramid can either be leaf or a node. Leaves represent data, and look much like the above Pyramids. Leaves become nodes when they are supplied arguments. An argument is supplied to a Pyramid by construct another Pyramid whose tip is adjacent to the bottom of another Pyramid. Here are two Pyramids, one leaf and one node, labeled A and B respectively.

 / \
/ A \

In a LISP-like language, this would be equivalent to (A B). In a normal language, this is A(B). Pyramids can have up to two arguments:

   / \
  / A \
/B\   / \
---  / C \

Equivalent to (A B C) or A(B, C).

Note: Pyramids are evaluated depth-first; it is possible for certain Pyramids to be evaluated twice this way. See the third example for more info.

That's the Crux of the language! Next, we'll learn about the commands available to the language.


There is a limited set of functions, catalogued in this table below. Arity refers to the number of arguments the function requires. For notational purposes, a refers to the left argument and b refers to the right argument. If a function is "evaluated", it does not do anything special to its arguments. Unevaluated functions are usually used for control flow, or evaluating an expression multiple times.

Name Arity Evaluated? Function
+ 2 Yes a + b
- 2 Yes a - b
* 2 Yes a * b
/ 2 Yes a / b
^ 2 Yes pow(a, b)
= 2 Yes 1 if a == b; 0 otherwise
<=> 2 Yes 1 if a > b; 0 if a == b; -1 if a < b.
out 1..2 Yes Prints a (followed by b if provided) without trailing newline
chr 1 Yes Converts a to an integer, then to a UTF-8 character.
arg 1..2 Yes Obtains the bth element of a; if no b is provided, obtain the ath command line argument.
# 1 Yes Converts a string to a value; if it exists as a variable name, get that variable. If the string is one of line, stdin, or readline, read a line from STDIN; otherwise, convert it to a float.
" 1 Yes Convert the argument to a string.
(blank) 1 Yes Identity function; return a.
! 1 Yes Logical negation; 0 if a is truthy, 1 otherwise.
[ 1 Yes a
] 1 Yes b
set 2 No sets variable denoted by a to the evaluated value b
do 2 No Evaluates b (at least once) while a evaluates to true.
loop 2 No While a evaluates to true, evaluate b (0 or more times).
? 2 No If a is truthy, evaluate and return b; otherwise, return 0.

Example programs

Truth machine, a program that outputs infinite 1s when supplied a 1, or a single 0 when supplied a 0.

    ^        ^
   / \      / \
  /set\    /do \
 ^-----^  ^-----^
/a\   /#\/a\   / \
---  ^------  /out\
    / \      ^-----
   /   \    /a\
  /line \   ---

This is equivalent to the LISP-like:

(set a (# line)) (do a (out a))

Or in a Python-like language:

a = input()
while a:

Here's an if-else statement for the variable A (prints 1 for truthy, 0 for falsey):

    /!\ / \
  /?\  -----^
 ^---^     /0\
/A\ / \    ---

Here is an example of a Pyramid being evaluated twice, as it is the child of two different nodes.

  /+\ /*\
/1\ /3\ /4\
--- --- ---

This is equivalent to (1 + 3) + (3 * 4) = 4 + 12 = 16.