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Fast and efficient summarization of generic bedGraph files from Bisufite sequencing

Travis build status Lifecycle: maturing BioC status


Bedgraph files generated by BS pipelines often come in various flavors. Critical downstream step requires aggregation of these files into methylation/coverage matrices. This step of data aggregation is done by Methrix, including many other useful downstream functions.

Package overview and usage functions


  • Faster summarization of generic bedGraph files with data.table back-end
  • Fills missing CpGs from reference genome
  • Vectorized code (faster, memory expensive) and non-vectorized code (slower, minimal memory)
  • Built upon SummarizedExperiment with custom methods for CpG extraction, sub-setting, and filtering
  • Easy conversion to bsseq object for downstream analysis
  • Extensive one click interactive html report generation
  • Supports serialized arrays with HDF5Array and saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment


see here


if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


Step-1: Extract all CpG loci from the reference genome

> hg19_cpgs = methrix::extract_CPGs(ref_genome = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19")
# Extracting CpGs..
# Here is a Chuck Norris joke while you wait..
# Chuck Norris doesn't chew gum. Chuck Norris chews tin foil.
# Done.
# Extracted 28787054 from 86 contigs.

Step-2: Read in bedgraphs and generate a methrix object

Test data is 3 stranded WGBS bedgraphs from MethylcTools

#Example bedgraph files
> bdg_files = list.files(path = system.file('extdata', package = 'methrix'), pattern = "*bdg\\.gz$", full.names = TRUE)

> meth = methrix::read_bedgraphs(files = bdg_files, ref_cpgs = hg19_cpgs, chr_idx = 1, start_idx = 2, M_idx = 3, U_idx = 4,
  stranded = TRUE, collapse_strands = TRUE)
-Preset:        Custom 
--Missing beta and coverage info. Estimating them from M and U values
-CpGs raw:      28,700,086
-CpGs filtered: 28,217,448
-CpGs stranded: 56,434,896
-Batch:         1/1 
-Processing:    C1.bdg.gz
--CpGs missing: 56,434,254
-Processing:    C2.bdg.gz
--CpGs missing: 56,434,231
-Processing:    N1.bdg.gz
--CpGs missing: 56,434,233
-Processing:    N2.bdg.gz
--CpGs missing: 56,434,233
-Finished in:   00:01:19 elapsed (00:01:52 cpu) 

> meth
An object of class methrix
   n_CpGs: 28,217,448
n_samples: 4
    is_h5: FALSE
Reference: Genome Reference Consortium GRCh37

Methrix operations

What can be done on methrix object? Following are the key functions

#reading and writing:
read_bedgraphs()    #Reads in bedgraph files into methrix
write_bedgraphs()   #Writes bedGraphs from methrix object
order_by_sd()       #Orders methrix object by SD
region_filter()	    #Filters matrices by region
mask_methrix()      #Masks lowly covered CpGs
coverage_filter()   #Filters methrix object based on coverage
subset_methrix()	  #Subsets methrix object based on given conditions.
remove_uncovered()	#Removes loci that are uncovered across all samples
remove_snps()       #Removes loci overlapping with possible SNPs
#Visualization and QC
methrix_report()    #Creates a detailed interative html summary report from methrix object
methrix_pca()	      #Principal Component Analysis
plot_pca()          #Plots the result of PCA
plot_coverage()     #Plots coverage statistics
plot_density()      #Plots the density distribution of the beta values 
plot_violin()       #Plots the distribution of the beta values on a violin plot
plot_stats()        #Plot descriptive statistics
get_stats()	        #Estimate descriptive statistics of the object
methrix2bsseq()     #Convert methrix to bsseq object

Speed benchmark

To be added

To do

  • Write methods
  • Add vignette
  • Add examples
  • Clear BiocCheck warnings and notes
  • Submit to BioConductor for Fall (3.10) release


This repository is under active development