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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

analyzer 👓
analyzer :eyeglasses:
A new analyzer being implemented or updated
api-approved 🚀
api-approved :rocket:
A proposal that has been approved: PRs are a go
api-rejected 🚫
api-rejected :no_entry_sign:
A rejected proposal, PRs will be closed
auto merge ⚡
auto merge :zap:
A PR that will be merged automatically when checks pass
blocking release 💥
blocking release :boom:
A major issue that's blocking a release and has to be fixed
bug 🐛
bug :bug:
An unexpected issue that highlights incorrect behavior
bugbash 🏗️
bugbash :building_construction:
An issue that has been found during a bugbash
bugfix 🔧
bugfix :wrench:
PRs fixing a discovered bug
build 🔥
build :fire:
Some changes or issues related to build infrastructure
by design
by design
Some behavior that is intended and not an issue
CI/pipeline 🔬
CI/pipeline 🔬
Some changes or issues related to CI infrastructure
common 💼
common 💼
Issues/PRs for the Common package
diagnostics 🔬
diagnostics 🔬
Issues/PRs for the Diagnostics package
DO NOT MERGE :warning:
A blocked PR
doc-InDraft ⏳
doc-InDraft :hourglass_flowing_sand:
Docs for this feature/change are work in progress
doc-provided ✔️
doc-provided :heavy_check_mark:
Docs for this feature/change are available
documentation 📃
documentation :page_with_curl:
Some proposed change related to documentation
duplicate 👥
duplicate :busts_in_silhouette:
Indicates that an identical issue or PR already exists
external ⤴️
external :arrow_heading_up:
Something related to or caused by an external project
feature 💡
feature :bulb:
A new feature being implemented
feature request 📬
feature request :mailbox_with_mail:
A request for new changes to improve functionality
First time contributor 👋
First time contributor :wave:
A new PR made by a first time contributor
fixed in main 🏎️
fixed in main :racing_car:
An issue/feature that has already been fixed/added in main
Good first issue 💯
Good first issue :100:
Issues identified as good for first-time contributors
high-performance 🚂
high-performance 🚂
Issues/PRs for the HighPerformance package
hotfix 🌶
hotfix 🌶
A hotfix for an issue just discovered
improvements ✨
improvements :sparkles:
Improvements to an existing functionality
introduce breaking changes 💥
introduce breaking changes :boom:
This change would be a breaking change