5.0.1 : 11/13/2024*
~ upgrading target version to api 35
5.0.0 : 03/28 2022
~ Small refactorings to be up to date with the other changes from ServerSide, Core and Consent.
4.7.1 : 11/23 2021
~ Fix on resetSave for AC-String.
4.7.0 : 09/01 2021
/!\ Requires TCPrivacy 4.9.0+
+ We can now build Google AC-String.
4.6.1 : 07/19 2021
~ Fixing publisher TC Builder so that it will be possible to work with custom categories later on.
4.6.0 : 05/18 2021
/!\ Requires TCPrivacy 4.8.0+
~ Refactored the project namespace to be able to push it to Maven Central.
4.5.4 : 04/12 2021
~ Forcing uppercase language name for consent string standards.
4.5.3 : 09/07 2020
/!\ Requires Core 4.5.3+
~ Corrected the type of some of the key stored for IAB.
+ Adding the possibility to save the PublisherTC part of the consent string. Please check the documentation.
4.5.2 : 08/27 2020
/!\ Requires Core 4.5.2+
~ Corrected the sharedPreferences used for IAB keys, now correctly saving in default shared preferences.
4.5.1 : 08/07 2020
~ Corrected IABTCF_gdprApplies which wasn't saved correctly.
~ Corrected TCData which didn't record properly legitimate interests
4.5.0 : 07/30 2020
/!\ Requires Privacy 4.6.0+, Core 4.5.1+
+ IAB's consentString is now in version 2.
+ Saving information in TCData.
4.3.2 : 10/31 2019
~ Corrected the key IABConsent_SubjectToGDPR which was not saved as a string.
4.3.1 : 10/24 2019
+ Added several new keys to the user defaults.
+ IABConsent_SubjectToGDPR which defaults to "1"
+ IABConsent_ParsedVendorConsents String of “0”s and “1”s, where the character at position N indicates the consent status to vendorID N as defined in the Global Vendor List.
+ IABConsent_ParsedPurposeConsents String of “0”s and “1”s, where the character at position N indicates the consent status to purposeID N as defined in the Global Vendor List.
4.3.0 : 05/15 2019
+ Release of the first version of IAB consent string framework