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screenrecord.lua is a lua script that launches an ffmpeg process for screen-recording on xorg/X11. It can also record audio, with or without screen recording, using OSS, ALSA or PulseAudio (ALSA is recommended). For GUI it utilizes either zenity, yad, qarma or a simple text-based interface. Alternatively it can be completely configured at the command-line using the '-N' option. It requires libuseful ( and libUseful-lua ( to be installed.

screenrecord.lua autodetects the gui-types that are available, and to some extent OSS, ALSA and PulseAudio sources that are available (though some of these may not work, as for many devices it's not easy to detect if the input is mono or stereo, and so both are offered but one will fail).

Qarma ( seems to offer the best ui-experience of the dialog-apps.


screenrecord.lua is (C) 2021 Colum Paget. It is released under the GPLv3 so you may do anything with them that the GPL allows. Email:


The screenrecord.lua code is broken up into a number of submodules, with a simple makefile that concats these together into 'screenrecord.lua'. The resulting 'screenrecord.lua' can then be run by lua. So the default install is:

make install

the file 'screenrecord.lua' is the actual 'program' to be run by lua and is installed in '/usr/local/bin' by default. You can manually copy it to someplace else if you want. it can either be run as:

lua screenrecord.lua

or you can use linux's binfmt system to automatically invoke lua when the program is run.


lua screencast.lua [options]


  -N                  no ui, just honor command-line arguments
  -ui <type>          specify ui type to use. Values are qarma, zenity, yad or text
  -s <x.y>            specify recording window size
  -size <x.y>         specify recording window size
  -fps <value>        frames per second to record at
  -c <value>          seconds of countdown before recoding starts
  -count <value>      seconds of countdown before recoding starts
  -countdown <value>  seconds of countdown before recoding starts
  -C                  list codecs supported by ffmpeg
  -list-codecs        list codecs supported by ffmpeg
  -L                  list audio inputs supported by ffmpeg
  -list-audio         list audio inputs supported by ffmpeg
  -codec <name>       name (e.g. 'mp4:h264:aac', 'ogv:flac') of codec to use
  -a <name>           name (e.g. 'alsa:1:s', 'oss:0:m') of sound-input to use
  -audio <name>       name (e.g. 'alsa:1:s', 'oss:0:m') of sound-input to use
  -sound <name>       name (e.g. 'alsa:1:s', 'oss:0:m') of sound-input to use
  -noise              enable audio noise reduction
  -nr                 enable audio noise reduction
  -region             show capture region
  -follow <type>      'follow mouse', either 'centered' or 'edge'
  -outdir <path>      path to directory to store recordings in
  -o <path>           full path to recording file to create
  -?                  this help
  -help               this help
  --help              this help
  --help              this help
  -version            print program version
  --version           print program version