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REST k line history data

CoinTiger-API edited this page Apr 3, 2018 · 1 revision


exchange $symbol$ for tch, btc eth btc

request parameters

parameters name necessary or not type description defaults ranges
api_key true String api key distributed by the platform
symbol true String trading pairs tchbtc, ethbtc,btcbitcny,eosbtc
period true String type of k line 1min,5min,15min,30min
size false Integer obtain amount 150 [1,2000]

response data

parameters name necessary or not type description ranges
code true String request processing status 0 represent sucess and any others represent error
msg true String specific error description or success decription
ch true String the channel which data belongs to. format:market.$symbol$.kline.$period$

data 说明 data instruction:

 "kline_data": [
                "amount": 0.0004,//turnover
                "vol": 1,        //volume
                "high": 0.0004,  //highest price
                "low": 0.0004,   //lowest price
                "id": 1510416000,//the beginning of time scale
                "close": 0.0004, //open price
                "open": 0.0004   //close price

请求响应示例: request response case

/* GET /api/market/history/kline?api_key=110311001&symbol=btcbitcny&period=1day&size=200 */

    "code": "0",
    "msg": "suc",
    "data": {
        "ch": "market.btcbitcny_kline.1day",
        "kline_data": [
                "amount": 0.0004,
                "vol": 1,
                "high": 0.0004,
                "low": 0.0004,
                "id": 1510416000,
                "close": 0.0004,
                "open": 0.0004

/* GET /api/market/history/kline?api_key=110311001&symbol=btcbitcny&period=1day&size=200 */
    "code": "2",
    "msg": "you have exceeded  the limit times of calling api", 
    "ch": null,
    "ts": 0,
    "data": null

/* GET /api/market/history/kline?api_key=not-exist&symbol=btcbitcny&period=1day&size=200 */
    "code": "2",
    "msg": "api_key can not be air", 
    "data": null

/* GET /api/market/history/kline?api_key=110311001&symbol=not-exist&period=1day&size=200 */
    "code": "2",
    "msg": "symbol can not be air", 
    "data": null

/* GET /api/market/history/kline?api_key=110311001&symbol=btcbitcny&period=not-exist&size=200 */
    "code": "2",
    "msg": "period ca not be air", 
    "data": null

/*GET /api/market/history/kline?api_key=110311001&symbol=btcbitcny&period=1day&size=not-exist */
    "code": "2",
    "msg" : "the request parameters are illegal", //the ranges of parameters: [1,2000]
    "data": null

Websocket API Interface

REST API Interface

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