Alex-SDK is a easy-to-use library that exposes the swap functionality from to be integrated into any app or wallet. It enables users to perform swaps with a wide variety of supported currencies.
The SDK supports the following currencies:
export enum Currency {
ALEX = 'age000-governance-token',
USDA = 'token-wusda',
STX = 'token-wstx',
BANANA = 'token-wban',
XBTC = 'token-wbtc',
DIKO = 'token-wdiko',
SLIME = 'token-wslm',
XUSD = 'token-wxusd',
MIA = 'token-wmia',
NYCC = 'token-wnycc',
CORGI = 'token-wcorgi',
The AlexSDK class includes the following functions:
export declare class AlexSDK {
getFeeRate(from: Currency, to: Currency): Promise<bigint>;
getRouter(from: Currency, to: Currency): Promise<Currency[]>;
getAmountTo(from: Currency, fromAmount: bigint, to: Currency): Promise<bigint>;
runSwap(stxAddress: string, currencyX: Currency, currencyY: Currency,
fromAmount: bigint, minDy: bigint, router: Currency[]): TxToBroadCast;
getLatestPrices(): Promise<Partial<{ [currency in Currency]: number }>>;
getBalances(stxAddress: string): Promise<Partial<{ [currency in Currency]: bigint }>>;
fetchSwappableCurrency(): Promise<TokenInfo[]>;
Rate Get the swap fee (liquidity provider fee) between two currencies.
async function getFeeRate(from: Currency, to: Currency): Promise<bigint>;
Get the router path for swapping between two currencies.
async function getRouter(from: Currency, to: Currency): Promise<Currency[]>;
Get the amount of destination currency that will be received when swapping from one currency to another.
async function getAmountTo(from: Currency, fromAmount: bigint, to: Currency): Promise<bigint>;
Perform a swap between two currencies using the specified route and amount.
function runSwap(stxAddress: string, currencyX: Currency, currencyY: Currency,
fromAmount: bigint, minDy: bigint, router: Currency[]): TxToBroadCast;
This function fetches the current price data for all supported tokens. It returns an object where the keys are the currency identifiers (as defined in the Currency
enum) and the values are the corresponding prices in USD.
async function getLatestPrices(): Promise<Partial<{ [currency in Currency]: number }>>;
This function fetches the current balances of all supported tokens for a specified STX address. It returns an object where the keys are the currency identifiers (as defined in the Currency
enum) and the values are the corresponding balances as bigint
async function getBalances(stxAddress: string): Promise<Partial<{ [currency in Currency]: bigint }>>;
This function returns an array of TokenInfo
objects, each containing detailed information about a supported swappable currency. The information is fetched from the Alex SDK API.
function fetchSwappableCurrency(): Promise<TokenInfo[]>;
You can install Alex-SDK using npm:
npm install alex-sdk
To use the AlexSDK, you can import it into your project and instantiate a new object:
import { AlexSDK, Currency } from 'alex-sdk';
const alex = new AlexSDK();
(async () => {
// Get swap fee between ALEX and USDA
const feeRate = await alex.getFeeRate(Currency.ALEX, Currency.USDA);
console.log('Swap fee:', feeRate);
// Get the router path for swapping ALEX to USDA
const router = await alex.getRouter(Currency.ALEX, Currency.USDA);
console.log('Router path:', router);
// Get the amount of USDA that will be received when swapping 100 ALEX
const amountTo = await alex.getAmountTo(
console.log('Amount to receive:', amountTo);
// To get the transaction to broadcast
const tx = await alex.runSwap(
BigInt(Number(amount) * 1e8),
// Then broadcast the transaction yourself
await openContractCall(tx);
// Get the latest prices for all supported currencies
const latestPrices = await alex.getLatestPrices();
console.log('Latest prices:', latestPrices);
// Get balances for a specific STX address
const balances = await alex.getBalances(stxAddress);
console.log('Balances:', balances);
// Fetch information about all swappable currencies
const swappableCurrencies = await alex.fetchSwappableCurrency();
console.log('Swappable currencies:', swappableCurrencies);
There is a fully working example in the alex-sdk-example
Contributions to the project are welcome. Please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Ensure your changes follow the code style and conventions used