We use our own testnet whose API node is hosted at https://stacks-node-api.testnet.alexlab.co/, with a few useful modifications (such as puppet mode controller) to the stock testnet deployment.
You can explore the state of the testnet at https://explorer.testnet.alexlab.co/?chain=mainnet.
Developers generally would interact directly with our contracts deployed on the testnet through the API node above, but we also make available https://app.testnet.alexlab.co/ for those who would like to interact from a browser.
Please note the testnet may be reset from time to time for maintenance and other purposes. We try to minimise the frequency of these resets, but it can and does happen, so please do bear that in mind when interacting with our testnet.
For any questions / follow-ups, please use our Discord channel (https://discord.gg/alexlab).
Contract | Address |
Vault | ST29E61D211DD0HB0S0JSKZ05X0DSAJS5G5QSTXDX.alex-vault |
Reserve Pool | ST29E61D211DD0HB0S0JSKZ05X0DSAJS5G5QSTXDX.alex-reserve-pool |
Fixed Weight Pool | ST29E61D211DD0HB0S0JSKZ05X0DSAJS5G5QSTXDX.fixed-weight-pool-v1-02 |
Simple Weight Pool | ST29E61D211DD0HB0S0JSKZ05X0DSAJS5G5QSTXDX.simple-weight-pool-alex |
Swap Helper | ST29E61D211DD0HB0S0JSKZ05X0DSAJS5G5QSTXDX.swap-helper-v1-03 |
ALEX Token | ST29E61D211DD0HB0S0JSKZ05X0DSAJS5G5QSTXDX.age000-governance-token |
autoALEX Token | ST29E61D211DD0HB0S0JSKZ05X0DSAJS5G5QSTXDX.auto-alex |
STX (wrapped) | ST29E61D211DD0HB0S0JSKZ05X0DSAJS5G5QSTXDX.token-wstx |
xBTC | ST29E61D211DD0HB0S0JSKZ05X0DSAJS5G5QSTXDX.token-wbtc |
xUSD | ST29E61D211DD0HB0S0JSKZ05X0DSAJS5G5QSTXDX.token-wxusd |
USDA | ST29E61D211DD0HB0S0JSKZ05X0DSAJS5G5QSTXDX.token-wusda |