The current NepalMap server is updated manually. Here are the steps to update.
Go to the directory for nepalmap and copy the current version into a releases directory identified by the SHA of the current commit
$ cd /webapps/nepalmap && sha=$(git --git-dir nepalmap/.git log | head -1 | awk '{ print $2 }') && cp -r nepalmap releases/$sha
$ source bin/activate && cd nepalmap && git pull && pip install -r requirements.txt && cat sql/simpletables/*.sql | psql postgresql://<username>:<password>@localhost/wazimap_np && python migrate && cat sql/*.sql | psql postgresql://<username>:<password>@localhost/wazimap_np && python collectstatic --noinput && sudo service supervisor restart
Go to and exercise the website. You may need to refresh a couple of times before the changes appear in your browser.