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Molinillo Architecture

At the highest level, Molinillo is a dependency resolution algorithm. You hand the Resolver a list of dependencies and a 'locking' DependencyGraph, and you get a resulting dependency graph out of that. In order to guarantee that the list of dependencies is properly resolved, however, an algorithm is required that is smarter than just walking the list of dependencies and activating each, and its own dependencies, in turn.


At the heart of Molinillo is a backtracking algorithm with forward checking. Essentially, the resolution process keeps track of two types of states (dependency and possibility) in a stack. If that stack is ever exhausted, resolution was impossible. New states are pushed onto the stack for every dependency, and every time a dependency is successfully 'activated' a new state is pushed onto the stack that represents that activation. This stack-based approach is used because backtracking (also known as unwinding) becomes as simple as popping a state off that stack.


  1. The client initializes a Resolver with a SpecificationProvider and UI
  2. The client calls resolve with an array of user-requested dependencies and an optional 'locking' DependencyGraph
  3. The Resolver creates a new Resolution with those four user-specified parameters and calls resolve on it
  4. The Resolution creates an initial_state, which takes the user-requested dependencies and puts them into a DependencyState
  • In the process of creating the state, the SpecificationProvider is asked to sort the dependencies and return all the possibilities for the initial_requirement (taking into account whether the dependency is locked). These possibilities are then grouped into PossibilitySets, with each set representing a group of versions for the dependency which share the same sub-dependency requirements
  • A DependencyGraph is created that has all of these requirements point to root_vertices
  1. The resolution process now enters its main loop, which continues as long as there is a current state to process, and the current state has requirements left to process
  2. UI#indicate_progress is called to allow the client to report progress
  3. If the current state is a DependencyState, we have it pop off a PossibilityState that encapsulates a PossibilitySet for that dependency
  4. Process the topmost state on the stack
  5. If there is a non-empty PossibilitySet for the state, attempt_to_activate it (jump to #11)
  6. If there is no non-empty PossibilitySet for the state, create_conflict if the state is a PossibilityState, and then unwind_for_conflict
  • create_conflict builds a Conflict object, with details of all of the requirements for the given dependency, and adds it to a hash of conflicts stored on the state, indexed by the name of the dependency
  • unwind_for_conflict loops through all the conflicts on the state, looking for a state it can rewind to that might avoid that conflict. If no such state exists, it raises a VersionConflict error. Otherwise, it takes the most recent state with a chance to avoid the current conflicts and rewinds to it (go to #6)
  1. Check if there is an existing vertex in the activated dependency graph for the dependency this state's requirement relates to
  2. If there is no existing vertex in the activated dependency graph for the dependency this state's requirement relates to, activate_new_spec. This creates a new vertex in the activated dependency graph, with it's payload set to the possibility's PossibilitySet. It also pushes a new DependencyState, with the now-activated PossibilitySet's own dependencies. Go to #6
  3. If there is an existing, activated vertex for the dependency, attempt_to_filter_existing_spec
  • This filters the contents of the existing vertex's PossibilitySet by the current state's requirement
  • If any possibilities remain within the PossibilitySet, it updates the activated vertex's payload with the new, filtered state and pushes a new DependencyState
  • If no possibilities remain within the PossibilitySet after filtering, or if the current state's PossibilitySet had a different set of sub-dependecy requirements to the existing vertex's PossibilitySet, create_conflict and unwind_for_conflict, back to the last DependencyState that has a chance to not generate a conflict. Go to #6
  1. Terminate with the topmost state's dependency graph when there are no more requirements left
  2. For each vertex with a payload of allowable versions for this resolution (i.e., a PossibilitySet), pick a single specific version.

Specification Provider

The SpecificationProvider module forms the basis for the key integration point for a client library with Molinillo. Its methods convert the client's domain-specific model objects into concepts the resolver understands:

  • Nested dependencies
  • Names
  • Requirement satisfaction
  • Finding specifications (known internally as possibilities)
  • Sorting dependencies (for the sake of reasonable resolver performance)