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Pacemaker Cluster Test Suite (CTS)

The Cluster Test Suite (CTS) refers to all Pacemaker testing code that can be run in an installed environment. (Pacemaker also has unit tests that must be run from a source distribution.)

CTS includes:

  • Regression tests: These test specific Pacemaker components individually (no integration tests). The primary front end is cts-regression in this directory. Run it with the --help option to see its usage.

    cts-regression is a wrapper for individual component regression tests also in this directory (cts-cli, cts-exec, cts-fencing, and cts-scheduler).

    The CLI and scheduler regression tests can also be run from a source distribution. The other regression tests can only run in an installed environment, and the cluster should not be running on the node running these tests.

  • The CTS lab: This is a cluster exerciser for intensively testing the behavior of an entire working cluster. It is primarily for developers and packagers of the Pacemaker source code, but it can be useful for users who wish to see how their cluster will react to various situations. In an installed deployment, the CTS lab is in the cts subdirectory of this directory; in a source distibution, it is in cts/lab.

    The CTS lab runs a randomized series of predefined tests on the cluster. CTS can be run against a pre-existing cluster configuration or overwrite the existing configuration with a test configuration.

  • Helpers: Some of the component regression tests and the CTS lab require certain helpers to be installed as root. These include a dummy LSB init script, dummy systemd service, etc. In a source distribution, the source for these is in cts/support.

    The tests will install these as needed and uninstall them when done. This means that the cluster configuration created by the CTS lab will generate failures if started manually after the lab exits. However, the helper installer can be run manually to make the configuration usable, if you want to do your own further testing with it:

    /usr/libexec/pacemaker/cts-support install

    As you might expect, you can also remove the helpers with:

    /usr/libexec/pacemaker/cts-support uninstall
  • Cluster benchmark: The benchmark subdirectory of this directory contains some cluster test environment benchmarking code. It is not particularly useful for end users.

  • LXC generator: The script can be used to create some guest nodes for testing using LXC containers. It is not particularly useful for end users. In an installed deployment, it is in the cts subdirectory of this directory; in a source distribution, it is in this directory.

  • Valgrind suppressions: When memory-testing Pacemaker code with valgrind, various bugs in non-Pacemaker libraries and such can clutter the results. The valgrind-pcmk.suppressions file in this directory can be used with valgrind's --suppressions option to eliminate many of these.

Using the CTS lab


  • Three or more machines (one test exerciser and at least two cluster nodes).

  • The test cluster nodes should be on the same subnet and have journalling filesystems (ext4, xfs, etc.) for all of their filesystems other than /boot. You also need a number of free IP addresses on that subnet if you intend to test IP address takeover.

  • The test exerciser machine doesn't need to be on the same subnet as the test cluster machines. Minimal demands are made on the exerciser; it just has to stay up during the tests.

  • Tracking problems is easier if all machines' clocks are closely synchronized. NTP does this automatically, but you can do it by hand if you want.

  • The account on the exerciser used to run the CTS lab (which does not need to be root) must be able to ssh as root to the cluster nodes without a password challenge. See the Mini-HOWTO at the end of this file for details about how to configure ssh for this.

  • The exerciser needs to be able to resolve all cluster node names, whether by DNS or /etc/hosts.

  • CTS is not guaranteed to run on all platforms that Pacemaker itself does. It calls commands such as service that may not be provided by all OSes.


  • Install Pacemaker, including the testing code, on all machines. The testing code must be the same version as the rest of Pacemaker, and the Pacemaker version must be the same on the exerciser and all cluster nodes.

    You can install from source, although many distributions package the testing code (named pacemaker-cts or similar). Typically, everything needed by the CTS lab is installed in /usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts.

  • Configure the cluster layer (Corosync) on the cluster machines (not the exerciser), and verify it works. Node names used in the cluster configuration must match the hosts' names as returned by uname -n; they do not have to match the machines' fully qualified domain names.


The primary interface to the CTS lab is the executable:

/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/ [options] <number-of-tests-to-run>

As part of the options, specify the cluster nodes with --nodes, for example:

--nodes "pcmk-1 pcmk-2 pcmk-3"

Most people will want to save the output to a file, for example:

--outputfile ~/cts.log

Unless you want to test a pre-existing cluster configuration, you also want (warning: with these options, any existing configuration will be lost):


You can test floating IP addresses (not already used by any host), one per cluster node, by specifying the first, for example:


Configure some sort of fencing, for example to use fence_xvm:

--stonith xvm

Putting all the above together, a command line might look like:

/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/ --nodes "pcmk-1 pcmk-2 pcmk-3" \
    --outputfile ~/cts.log --clobber-cib --populate-resources \
    --test-ip-base --stonith xvm 50

For more options, run with the --help option.

There are also a couple of wrappers for that some users may find more convenient: cts, which is typically installed in the same place as the rest of the testing code; and cluster_test, which is in the source directory and typically not installed.

To extract the result of a particular test, run:

crm_report -T $test

Optional: Memory testing

Pacemaker has various options for testing memory management. On cluster nodes, Pacemaker components use various environment variables to control these options. How these variables are set varies by OS, but usually they are set in a file such as /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker or /etc/default/pacemaker.

Valgrind is a program for detecting memory management problems such as use-after-free errors. If you have valgrind installed, you can enable it by setting the following environment variables on all cluster nodes:

VALGRIND_OPTS="--leak-check=full --trace-children=no --num-callers=25

If running the CTS lab with valgrind enabled on the cluster nodes, add these options to

--valgrind-tests --valgrind-procs "pacemaker-attrd pacemaker-based pacemaker-controld pacemaker-execd pacemaker-schedulerd pacemaker-fenced"

These options should only be set while specifically testing memory management, because they may slow down the cluster significantly, and they will disable writes to the CIB. If desired, you can enable valgrind on a subset of pacemaker components rather than all of them as listed above.

Valgrind will put a text file for each process in the location specified by valgrind's --log-file option. See for explanations of the messages valgrind generates.

Separately, if you are using the GNU C library, the G_SLICE, MALLOC_PERTURB_, and MALLOC_CHECK_ environment variables can be set to affect the library's memory management functions.

When using valgrind, G_SLICE should be set to "always-malloc", which helps valgrind track memory by always using the malloc() and free() routines directly. When not using valgrind, G_SLICE can be left unset, or set to "debug-blocks", which enables the C library to catch many memory errors but may impact performance.

If the MALLOC_PERTURB_ environment variable is set to an 8-bit integer, the C library will initialize all newly allocated bytes of memory to the integer value, and will set all newly freed bytes of memory to the bitwise inverse of the integer value. This helps catch uses of uninitialized or freed memory blocks that might otherwise go unnoticed. Example:


If the MALLOC_CHECK_ environment variable is set, the C library will check for certain heap corruption errors. The most useful value in testing is 3, which will cause the library to print a message to stderr and abort execution. Example:


Valgrind should be enabled for either all nodes or none when used with the CTS lab, but the C library variables may be set differently on different nodes.

Optional: Remote node testing

If the pacemaker-remoted daemon is installed on all cluster nodes, CTS will enable remote node tests.

The remote node tests choose a random node, stop the cluster on it, start pacemaker-remoted on it, and add an ocf:pacemaker:remote resource to turn it into a remote node. When the test is done, CTS will turn the node back into a cluster node.

To avoid conflicts, CTS will rename the node, prefixing the original node name with "remote-". For example, "pcmk-1" will become "remote-pcmk-1". These names do not need to be resolvable.

The name change may require special fencing configuration, if the fence agent expects the node name to be the same as its hostname. A common approach is to specify the "remote-" names in pcmk_host_list. If you use pcmk_host_list=all, CTS will expand that to all cluster nodes and their "remote-" names. You may additionally need a pcmk_host_map argument to map the "remote-" names to the hostnames. Example:

--stonith xvm --stonith-args \

Optional: Remote node testing with valgrind

When running the remote node tests, the Pacemaker components on the cluster nodes can be run under valgrind as described in the "Memory testing" section. However, pacemaker-remoted cannot be run under valgrind that way, because it is started by the OS's regular boot system and not by Pacemaker.

Details vary by system, but the goal is to set the VALGRIND_OPTS environment variable and then start pacemaker-remoted by prefixing it with the path to valgrind.

The init script and systemd service file provided with pacemaker-remoted will load the pacemaker environment variables from the same location used by other Pacemaker components, so VALGRIND_OPTS will be set correctly if using one of those.

For an OS using systemd, you can override the ExecStart parameter to run valgrind. For example:

mkdir /etc/systemd/system/pacemaker_remote.service.d
cat >/etc/systemd/system/pacemaker_remote.service.d/valgrind.conf <<EOF
ExecStart=/usr/bin/valgrind /usr/sbin/pacemaker-remoted

Optional: Container testing

If the --container-tests option is given to, it will enable testing of LXC resources (currently only the RemoteLXC test, which starts a remote node using an LXC container).

The container tests have additional package dependencies (see the toplevel Also, SELinux must be enabled (in either permissive or enforcing mode), libvirtd must be enabled and running, and root must be able to ssh without a password between all cluster nodes (not just from the exerciser). Before running the tests, you can verify your environment with:

/usr/share/pacemaker/tests/cts/ -v

LXC tests will create two containers with hardcoded parameters: a NAT'ed bridge named virbr0 using the IP network will be created on the cluster node hosting the containers; the host will be assigned 52:54:00:A8:12:35 as the MAC address and as the IP address. Each container will be assigned a random MAC address starting with 52:54:, the IP address or, the hostname lxc1 or lxc2 (which will be added to the host's /etc/hosts file), and 196MB RAM.

The test will revert all of the configuration when it is done.

Mini-HOWTO: Allow passwordless remote SSH connections

The CTS scripts run "ssh -l root" so you don't have to do any of your testing logged in as root on the exerciser. Here is how to allow such connections without requiring a password to be entered each time:

  • On your test exerciser, create an SSH key if you do not already have one. Most commonly, SSH keys will be in your ~/.ssh directory, with the private key file not having an extension, and the public key file named the same with the extension ".pub" (for example, ~/.ssh/

    If you don't already have a key, you can create one with:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • From your test exerciser, authorize your SSH public key for root on all test machines (both the exerciser and the cluster test machines):

    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ root@$MACHINE

    You will probably have to provide your password, and possibly say "yes" to some questions about accepting the identity of the test machines.

    The above assumes you have a RSA SSH key in the specified location; if you have some other type of key (DSA, ECDSA, etc.), use its file name in the -i option above.

  • To verify, try this command from the exerciser machine for each of your cluster machines, and for the exerciser machine itself.

    ssh -l root $MACHINE

    If this works without prompting for a password, you're in business. If not, look at the documentation for your version of ssh.

Note on the maintenance

Tests for scheduler

The source *.xml files are preferably kept in sync with the newest major (and only major, which is enough) schema version, unless justified otherwise (e.g. testing a feature backed only in pacemaker-next special version of the schema), since these tests are not meant to double as schema upgrade ones (unless some cases expressly designated so).

Currently and unless something goes wrong, the procedure of upgrading these tests en masse is as easy as:

cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/cts"  # if not already
pushd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/xml"
./ cts_scheduler -G
git add --interactive .
git commit -m 'XML: upgrade-M.N.xsl: apply on scheduler CTS test cases'
git reset HEAD && git checkout .  # if some differences still remain
./cts-scheduler  # absolutely vital to check nothing got broken!

Now, sadly, there's no proved automated way to minimize instances like this:

<primitive id="rsc1" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">

that may be left behind into more canonical:

<primitive id="rsc1" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="apache"/>

so manual editing is tasked, or perhaps --format or --c14n to xmllint will be of help (without any other side effects).

If the overall process gets stuck anywhere, common sense to the rescue. The initial part of the above recipe can be repeated anytime to verify there's nothing to upgrade artificially like this, which is a desired state. Note that script performs validation of both the input and output, should the upgrade take place, implicitly, so there's no need of revalidation in the happy case.