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605 lines (592 loc) · 34.7 KB

File metadata and controls

605 lines (592 loc) · 34.7 KB

JSON file contents


  • bionics.json - bionics, does NOT include bionic effects
  • dreams.json - dream text and linked mutation categories
  • item_groups.json - item spawn groups
  • materials.json - material types
  • monstergroups.json - monster spawn groups
  • names.json - names used for NPC/player name generation
  • professions.json - profession definitions
  • recipes.json - crafting/disassembly recipes
  • skills.json - skill descriptions and ID's
  • snippets.json - flier/poster descriptions
  • mutations.json - traits/mutations
  • vehicle_parts.json - vehicle parts, does NOT affect flag effects
  • vehicles.json - vehicle definitions


  • archery.json - bows and arrows
  • ranged.json - guns
  • tools.json - tools and items that can be (a)ctivated
  • ammo.json - ammo
  • books.json - books
  • comestibles.json - food/drinks
  • containers.json - containers
  • instruments.json - instruments
  • melee.json - anything that doesn't go in the other item jsons, melee weapons
  • mods.json - gunmods


  • furniture.json - furniture, and features treated like furniture
  • terrain.json - terrain types and definitions

#raw jsons


"id"           : "bio_batteries",  // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word,
                                   // use underscores if necessary.
"name"         : "Battery System", // In-game name displayed
"active"       : false,  // Whether the bionic is active or passive (default: passive)
"power_source" : false,  // Whether the bionic provides power (default: false)
"faulty"       : false,  // Whether it is a faulty type (default: false)
"cost"         : 0,  // How many PUs it costs to use the bionic. (default: 0)
"time"         : 0,  // How long, when activated, between drawing cost.
                     // If 0, it draws power once. (default: 0)
"description"  : "You have a battery draining attachment, and thus can make use of the energy contained in normal, everyday batteries.  Use 'E' to consume batteries." // In-game description


"messages" : [                // List of potential dreams
    "You have a strange dream about birds.",
    "Your dreams give you a strange feathered feeling."
"category" : "MUTCAT_BIRD",   // Mutation category needed to dream
"strength" : 1                // Mutation category strength required
                                     1 = 20 - 34
                                     2 = 35 - 49
                                     3 = 50+

###ITEM GROUPS Item groups have been expanded, look at doc/ to their new description. The syntax listed here is still valid.

"id":"forest",            // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"items":[                 // List of potential item ID's. Chance of an item spawning is x/T, where
  ["rock", 40],           //    X is the value linked to the specific item and T is the total of all
  ["stick", 95],          //    item values in a group
  ["mushroom", 4],
  ["mushroom_poison", 3],
  ["mushroom_magic", 1],
  ["blueberries", 3]
"groups":[]               // ?


"ident"         : "hflesh",       // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"name"          : "Human Flesh",  // In-game name displayed
"bash_resist"   :   1,            // How well a material resists bashing damage
"cut_resist"    :   1,            // How well a material resists cutting damage
"bash_dmg_verb" : "bruised",      // Verb used when material takes bashing damage
"cut_dmg_verb"  : "sliced",       // Verb used when material takes cutting damage
"dmg_adj"       : ["bruised", "mutilated", "badly mutilated", "thoroughly mutilated"], // Description added to damaged item in ascending severity
"acid_resist"   :   1,            // Ability of a material to resist acid
"elec_resist"   :   1,            // Ability of a material to resist electricity
"fire_resist"   :   0,            // Ability of a material to resist fire
"density"       :   5             // Density of a material


"name" : "GROUP_ANT",             // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"default" : "mon_ant",            // Default monster, automatically fills in any remaining spawn chances
"monsters" : [                    // To choose monster spawned game creates 1000 entries and picks one.
  { "monster" : "mon_ant_larva", "freq" : 40, "multiplier" : 0 },   // Each monster will have a number of entries equal to it's "freq" and 
  { "monster" : "mon_ant_soldier", "freq" : 90, "multiplier" : 5 }, // the default monster will fill in the remaining. "multiplier" increases
  { "monster" : "mon_ant_queen", "freq" : 0, "multiplier" : 0 }     // how much each monster counts for in a spawn group (i.e. will spawn 5 larva or 1 soldier)
  { "monster" : "mon_thing",              // Monsters id
    "freq" : 100,                         // Chance of occurence, out of a thousand
    "multiplier" : 0,                     // How many monsters each monster in this definition should count as, if spawning a limited number of monsters
    // The minimum and maximum number of monsters in this group that should spawn together. Optional, defaults [1,1]
    "pack_size" : [3,5],                    
    // Conditions limiting when monsters spawn. Valid options: SUMMER, WINTER, AUTUMN, SPRING, DAY, NIGHT, DUSK, DAWN
    // Multiple Time-of-day conditions (DAY, NIGHT, DUSK, DAWN) will be combined together so that any of those conditions makes the spawn valid
    // Multiple Season conditions (SUMMER, WINTER, AUTUMN, SPRING) will be combined together so that any of those conditions makes the spawn valid
    "conditions" : ["DUSK","DAWN","SUMMER"]


"type" : "MONSTER",					// Should always be "MONSTER"
"id" : "mon_bat",					// Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores when necessary. Standard is to preface the ID with "mon"
"name" : "bat",						// Name displayed in-game
"species" : "MAMMAL",				// Monster species
"symbol" : "r",						// Symbol representing monster in-game
"color" : "brown",					// Color of symbol in-game
"size" : "TINY",					// Size flag, can be TINY, SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, or HUGE. See for reference
"material" : "flesh",				// The material the monster is primarily composed of
"diff" : 4,							// Monster difficulty. Impacts the shade used to label the monster, and if it is above 30 a kill will be recorded in the memorial log. Some example values: (Zombie, 3) (Mi-go, 26) (Zombie Hulk, 50) 
"aggression" : -25,					// Defines how aggressive the monster is. Ranges from -99 (totally passive) to 100 (guaranteed hostility on detection)
"morale" : 5,						// Monster morale
"speed" : 230,						// Monster speed. 100 is the normal speed for a human being - higher values are faster and lower values are slower.
"melee_skill" : 4,					// Monster melee skill, ranges from 0 - 10, with 4 being an average mob. See GAME_BALANCE.txt for more examples
"melee_dice" : 1,					// Number of dice rolled on monster melee attack
"melee_dice_sides" : 1,				// Number of faces of dice rolled on monster melee attack
"melee_cut" : 1,					// Amount of cutting damage added to die roll on monster melee attack
"dodge" : 8,						// Monster dodge skill. See GAME_BALANCE.txt for an explanation of dodge mechanics
"armor_bash" : 0,					// Monster protection from bashing damage
"armor_cut" : 0,					// Monster protection from cutting damage
"luminance" : 0,					// Amount of light passively output by monster. Ranges from 0 to 10.
"hp" : 10,							// Monster hit points
"special_freq" : 0,					// Number of turns required to "charge" a monster's special attack
"death_function" : "NORMAL",		// How the monster behaves on death. See for a list of possible functions. Supports multiple death functions
"special_attack" : "BITE",			// Monster's special attack. See for a list of possible special attacks. A monster can have only one special attack
"description": "One of the vesper bats, a family of winged insect-eating mammals. It roosts in caves and other hollows, and uses a form of echolocation to aerially navigate through tricky terrain at rapid speeds.",	
									// In-game description for the monster
"flags" : ["SEES", "HEARS", etc],	// Monster flags. See for a full list
"fear_triggers" : ["SOUND", etc],	// What makes the monster afraid. See for a full list
"anger_triggers" : ["PLAYER_CLOSE"],// What makes the monster angry. See for a full list
"placate_triggers" : ["MEAT"],		// What calms the monster. See for a full list
"categories" : ["WILDLIFE"]			// Monster categories. Can be NULL, CLASSIC (only mobs found in classic zombie movies) or WILDLIFE (natural animals). If they are not CLASSIC or WILDLIFE, they will not spawn in classic mode


{ "name" : "Aaliyah", "gender" : "female", "usage" : "given" }, // Name, gender, "given"/"family"/"city" (first/last/city name).
// NOTE: Please refrain from adding name PR's in order to maintain kickstarter exclusivity


"description":"Ever since you were a child you loved hunting, and you loved the challenge of hunting with a bow even more. You start with a level in archery and survival.", // In-game description
"ident":"hunter",      // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"items":[              // ID's of items player starts with when selecting this profession
"name":"Bow Hunter",   // In-game name displayed
"points":2,            // Point cost of profession. Positive values cost points and negative values grant points
"addictions" : [       // Optional list of starting addictions.
	"type": "nicotine", // ID of addiction
	"intensity" : 10,  // Intensity of starting addiction
"skills":[             // Skills that the player starts with when selecting this profession, stacks with purchased skills
	"level":1,         // Skill level granted
	"name":"archery"   // ID of granted skill


"result": "javelin",         // ID of resulting item
"category": "CC_WEAPON",     // Category of crafting recipe. CC_NONCRAFT used for disassembly recipes
"id_suffix": "",             // Optional (default: empty string). Some suffix to make the ident of the recipe unique. The ident of the recipe is "<id-of-result><id_suffix>".
"override": false,           // Optional (default: false). If false and the ident of the recipe is already used by another recipe, loading of recipes fails. If true and a recipe with the ident is already defined, the existing recipe is replaced by the new recipe.
"skill_used": "fabrication", // Skill trained and used for success checks
"requires_skills": [["survival", 1], ["throw", 2]], // Skills required to unlock recipe
"difficulty": 3,             // Difficulty of success check
"time": 5000,                // Time to perform recipe (where 1000 ~= 10 turns ~= 1 minute game time)
"reversible": false,         // Can be disassembled.
"autolearn": true,           // Automatically learned upon gaining required skills
"tools": [                   // Tools needed to craft
[                            // Equivalent tools are surrounded by a single set of brackets []
  [ "hatchet", -1 ],         // Charges consumed when tool is used, -1 means no charges are consumed
  [ "knife_steak", -1 ],
  [ "knife_combat", -1 ],
  [ "knife_butcher", -1 ],
  [ "pockknife", -1 ],
  [ "scalpel", -1 ],
  [ "machete", -1 ],
  [ "broadsword", -1 ],
  [ "toolset", -1 ]
    [ "fire", -1 ]
"components": [              // Equivalent components are surrounded by a single set of brackets
  [ "spear_wood", 1 ],       // Number of charges/items required
  [ "pointy_stick", 1 ]
  [ "rag", 1 ],
  [ "leather", 1 ],
  [ "fur", 1 ]
  [ "plant_fibre", 20 ],
  [ "sinew", 20 ],
  [ "thread", 20 ],
  [ "duct_tape", 20 ]


"ident" : "smg",  // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"name" : "submachine guns",  // In-game name displayed
"description" : "Your skill with submachine guns and machine pistols. Halfway between a pistol and an assault rifle, these weapons fire and reload quickly, and may fire in bursts, but they are not very accurate.", // In-game description
"tags" : ["gun_type"]  // Special flags (default: none)


"category": "flier", // Category used
	"text": "This is an advertisement for the Diet Devil brand Metabolic Exchange CBM.  It shows a picture of a tiny obese devil sitting on a woman's shoulder. The woman stares intently at a gigantic wedding cake covered with bacon and candybars. The caption reads: \"Burn calories! Burn!\"" // In-game description


"id": "LIGHTEATER",  // Unique ID
"name": "Optimist",  // In-game name displayed
"points": 2,         // Point cost of the trait. Positive values cost points and negative values give points
"visibility": 0,     // Visibility of the trait for purposes of NPC interaction (default: 0)
"ugliness": 0,       // Ugliness of the trait for purposes of NPC interaction (default: 0)
"mixed_effect": false, // Wheather the trait has both positive and negative effects. This is purely declarative and is only used for the user interface. (default: false)
"description": "Nothing gets you down!" // In-game description
"starting_trait": true, // Can be selected at character creation (default: false)
"valid": false,      // Can be mutated ingame (default: true)
"category": ["MUTCAT_BIRD", "MUTCAT_INSECT"], // Categories containing this mutation
"prereqs": ["SKIN_ROUGH"], // Needs these mutations before you can mutate toward this mutation
"cancels": ["ROT1", "ROT2", "ROT3"], // Cancels these mutations when mutating
"changes_to": ["FASTHEALER2"], // Can change into these mutations when mutating further
"leads_to": [], // Mutations that add to this one
"wet_protection":[{ "part": "HEAD", // Wet Protection on specific bodyparts
                    "good": 1 } ] // "neutral/good/ignored" // Good increases pos and cancels neg, neut cancels neg, ignored cancels both


"id": "wheel",                // Unique identifier
"name": "wheel",              // Displayed name
"symbol": "0",                // ASCII character displayed when part is working
"color": "dark_gray",         // Color used when part is working
"broken_symbol": "x",         // ASCII character displayed when part is broken
"broken_color": "light_gray", // Color used when part is broken
"damage_modifier": 50,        // (Optional, default = 100) Dealt damage multiplier when this part hits something, as a percentage. Higher = more damage to creature struck
"durability": 200,            // How much damage the part can take before breaking
"wheel_width": 9,             /* (Optional, default = 0)
                               * SPECIAL: A part may have at most ONE of the following fields:
                               *    wheel_width = base wheel width in inches
                               *    size        = trunk/box storage volume capacity
                               *    power       = base engine power (in liters)
                               *    bonus       = bonus granted; muffler = noise reduction%, seatbelt = bonus to not being thrown from vehicle
                               *    par1        = generic value used for unique bonuses, like the headlight's light intensity */
"fuel_type": "NULL",          // (Optional, default = "NULL") Type of fuel/ammo the part consumes, as an item id
"item": "wheel",              // The item used to install this part, and the item obtained when removing this part
"difficulty": 4,              // Your mechanics skill must be at least this level to install this part
"flags": [                    // Flags associated with the part


"id": "shopping_cart",                     // Internally-used name.
"name": "Shopping Cart",                   // Display name, subject to i18n.
"blueprint": "#",                          // Preview of vehicle - ignored by the code, so use only as documentation
"parts": [                                 // Parts list
    {"x": 0, "y": 0, "part": "box"},       // Part definition, positive x direction is to the left, positive y is to the right
    {"x": 0, "y": 0, "part": "casters"}    // See vehicle_parts.json for part ids
                                           /* Important! Vehicle parts must be defined in the same order you would install
                                            * them in the game (ie, frames and mount points first).
                                            * You also cannot break the normal rules of installation
                                            * (you can't stack non-stackable part flags). */

#raw/items jsons


"type" : "AMMO",      // Defines this as ammo
"id" : "shot_bird",   // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"price" : 500,        // Used when bartering with NPC's
"name" : "birdshot",  // In-game name displayed
"symbol" : "=",       // ASCII character used in-game
"color" : "red",      // ASCII character colour
"description" : "Weak shotgun ammunition. Designed for hunting birds and other small game, its applications in combat are very limited.", // In-game description
"material" : "plastic", // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"volume" : 2,         // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"weight" : 34,        // Weight, measuted in grams
"bashing" : 1,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting" : 0,        // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"to_hit" : 0,         // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon
"ammo_type" : "shot", // Determines what it can be loaded in
"damage" : 18,        // Ranged damage when fired
"pierce" : 0,         // Armor piercing ability when fired
"range" : 5,          // Range when fired
"dispersion" : 0,     // Inaccuracy of ammo, measured in quarter-degrees
"recoil" : 18,        // Recoil caused when firing
"count" : 25,         // Number of rounds that spawn together
"stack_size" : 50,    // (Optional) How many rounds are in the above-defined volume. If omitted, is the same as 'count'
"effects" : ["COOKOFF", "SHOT"] // Special effects


"type" : "ARMOR",     // Defines this as armor
"id" : "socks",       // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"name" : "socks",     // The name appearing in the examine box.  Can be more than one word separated by spaces
"weight" : 350,       // Weight of armour in grams
"color" : "blue",     // ASCII character colour
"covers" : ["FEET"],  // Where it covers.  Possible options are TORSO, HEAD, EYES, MOUTH, ARMS, HANDS, LEGS, FEET
"to_hit" : 0,         // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon (whatever for?)
"storage" : 0,        // How many volume storage slots it adds
"symbol" : "[",       // ASCII character used in-game
"description" : "Socks. Put 'em on your feet.", // Description of armour
"price" : 100,        // Used when bartering with NPCs
"material" : ["COTTON", "NULL"],    // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"volume" : 1,         // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"cutting" : 0,        // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"warmth" : 10,        // How much warmth clothing provides
"phase" : "solid",    // What phase it is
"enviromental_protection" : 0,  // How much environmental protection it affords
"encumberance" : 0,   // Base encumbrance (unfitted value)
"bashing" : -5,       // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"flags" : ["VARSIZE"] // Indicates special effects
"coverage" : 80,      // What percentage of body part
"material_thickness" : 1  // Thickness of material, in millimetre units (approximately).  Generally ranges between 1 - 5, more unusual armour types go up to 10 or more


"type" : "BOOK",      // Defines this as a BOOK
"id" : "textbook_computers", // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"name" : "Computer Science 301", // In-game name displayed
"max_level" : 5,      // Maximum skill level this book will train to
"description" : "A college textbook on computer science.", // In-game description
"weight" : 1587,      // Weight, measured in grams
"to_hit" : 1,         // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon
"color" : "blue",     // ASCII character colour (see below)
"intelligence" : 11,  // Intelligence required to read this book without penalty
"symbol" : "?",       // ASCII character used in-game (should always be a question mark for books)
"material" : ["paper", "null"], // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"volume" : 7,         // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"bashing" : 5,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting" : 0,        // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"time" : 35,          // Time (in minutes) a single read session takes
"fun" : -2,           // Morale bonus/penalty for reading
"skill" : "computer", // Skill raised
"price" : 500,        // Used when bartering with NPCs
"required_level" : 2  // Minimum skill level required to learn

####Color key When adding a new book, please use this color key:

  • Magazines: pink
  • “Paperbacks” Short enjoyment books (including novels): light_cyan
  • “Hardbacks” Long enjoyment books (including novels): light_blue
  • “Small textbook” Beginner level textbooks, guides and martial arts books: dark_green
  • “Large textbook” Advanced level textbooks and advanced guides: dark_blue
  • Religious books: dark_gray
  • “Printouts” (including spiral-bound and similar) Technical documents, (technical?) protocols, (lab) journals: light_green
  • Other reading material/non-books (use only if every other category does not apply): light_gray

A few exceptions to this color key may apply, for example for books that don’t are what they seem to be. Never use yellow and red, those colors are reserved for sounds and infrared vision.


"type" : "COMESTIBLE", // Defines this as a COMESTIBLE
"id" : "crack",       // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"name" : "crack",     // In-game name displayed
"weight" : 1,         // Weight, measured in grams
"color" : "white",    // ASCII character colour
"addiction_type" : "crack", // Addiction type
"spoils_in" : 0,      // How long a comestible is good for. 0 = no spoilage
"use_action" : "CRACK", // What effects a comestible has when used, see special definitions below
"stim" : 40,          // Stimulant effect
"container" : "null", // What container stores this
"to_hit" : 0,         // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon
"comestible_type" : "MED", // Comestible type, used for inventory sorting
"symbol" : "!",       // ASCII character used in-game
"quench" : 0,         // Thirst quenched
"heal" : -2,          // Health effects (used for sickness chances)
"addiction_potential" : 80, // Ability to cause addictions
"nutrition" : 0,      // Hunger satisfied
"description" : "Refined cocaine, incredibly addictive.", // In-game description
"price" : 420,        // Used when bartering with NPCs
"material" : "powder", // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"tool" : "apparatus", // Tool required to be eaten/drank
"volume" : 1,         // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"cutting" : 0,        // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"phase" : "solid",    // What phase it is
"charges" : 4,        // Number of uses when spawned
"stack_size" : 8,     // (Optional) How many uses are in the above-defined volume. If omitted, is the same as 'charges'
"bashing" : 0,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"fun" : 50            // Morale effects when used


"id": "keg",          // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"type": "CONTAINER",  // Defines this as a CONTAINER
"symbol": ")",        // ASCII character used in-game
"color": "light_cyan", // ASCII character colour
"name": "aluminum keg", // In-game name displayed
"description": "A reusable aluminum keg, used for shipping beer.\nIt has a capacity of 50 liters.", // In-game description
"price": 6000,        // Used when bartering with NPCs
"weight": 13500,      // Weight, measured in grams
"volume": 200,        // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"bashing": -4,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting": 0,         // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"to_hit": -4,         // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon
"material": "steel",  // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"contains": 200,      // How much volume this container can hold
"flags": ["RIGID", "SEALS", "WATERTIGHT"] // Indicates special effects


"id": "hatchet",      // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"symbol": ";",        // ASCII character used in-game
"color": "light_gray", // ASCII character colour
"name": "hatchet",    // In-game name displayed
"description": "A one-handed hatchet. Makes a great melee weapon, and is useful both for cutting wood, and for use as a hammer.", // In-game description
"price": 95,          // Used when bartering with NPCs
"material": ["iron", "wood"], // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"weight": 907,        // Weight, measured in grams
"volume": 6,          // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"bashing": 12,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting": 12,        // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"flags" : ["CHOP"],   // Indicates special effects
"to_hit": 1           // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon


"id": "nailgun",      // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"type": "GUN",        // Defines this as a GUN
"symbol": "(",        // ASCII character used in-game
"color": "light_blue", // ASCII character colour
"name": "nail gun",   // In-game name displayed
"description": "A tool used to drive nails into wood or other material. It could also be used as a ad-hoc weapon, or to practice your handgun skill up to level 1.", // In-game description
"price": 100,         // Used when bartering with NPCs
"material": "iron",   // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"flags": "MODE_BURST", // Indicates special effects
"skill": "pistol",    // Skill used for firing
"ammo": "nail",       // Ammo type accepted for reloading
"weight": 2404,       // Weight, measured in grams
"volume": 4,          // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"bashing": 12,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting": 0,         // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"to_hit": 1,          // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon
"ranged_damage": 0,   // Ranged damage when fired
"range": 0,           // Range when fired
"dispersion": 32,     // Inaccuracy of gun, measured in quarter-degrees
"recoil": 0,          // Recoil caused when firing
"durability": 8,      // Resistance to damage/rusting, also determines misfire chance
"burst": 5,           // Number of shots fired in burst mode
"clip_size": 100,     // Maximum amount of ammo that can be loaded
"reload": 450         // Amount of time to reload, 100 = 6 seconds = 1 "turn"


"id": "torch_lit",    // Unique ID. Must be one continuous word, use underscores if necessary
"type": "TOOL",       // Defines this as a TOOL
"symbol": "/",        // ASCII character used in-game
"color": "brown",     // ASCII character colour
"name": "torch (lit)", // In-game name displayed
"description": "A large stick, wrapped in gasoline soaked rags. This is burning, producing plenty of light", // In-game description
"price": 0,           // Used when bartering with NPCs
"material": "wood",   // Material types.  See materials.json for possible options
"techniques": "FLAMING", // Combat techniques used by this tool
"flags": "FIRE",      // Indicates special effects
"weight": 831,        // Weight, measured in grams
"volume": 6,          // Volume, measured in 1/4 liters
"bashing": 12,        // Bashing damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"cutting": 0,         // Cutting damage caused by using it as a melee weapon
"to_hit": 3,          // To-hit bonus if using it as a melee weapon
"max_charges": 75,    // Maximum charges tool can hold
"initial_charges": 75, // Charges when spawned
"charges_per_use": 1, // Charges consumed per tool use
"turns_per_charge": 20, // Charges consumed over time
"ammo": "NULL",       // Ammo type used for reloading
"revert_to": "torch_done", // Transforms into item when charges are expended
"use_action": "TORCH_LIT" // Action performed when tool is used, see special definition below

###USE ACTIONS The contents of use_action fields can either be a string indicating a built-in function to call when the item is activated (defined in iuse.cpp), or one of several special definitions that invoke a more structured function.

"use_action": {
    "type": "transform",  // The type of method, in this case one that transforms the item.
    "target": "gasoline_lantern_on", // The item to transform to.
    "active": true,       // Whether the item is active once transformed.
    "msg": "You turn the lamp on.", // Message to display when activated.
    "need_fire": 1,                 // Whether fire is needed to activate.
    "need_fire_msg": "You need a lighter!", // Message to display if there is no fire.
    "need_charges": 1,                      // Number of charges the item needs to transform.
    "need_charges_msg": "The lamp is empty." // Message to display if there aren't enough charges.
    "target_charges" : 3, // Number of charges the transformed item has.
    "container" : "jar",  // Container holding the target item.
    "moves" : 500         // Moves required to transform the item in excess of a normal action.
"use_action": {
    "type: : "auto_transform", // Like transform, but it transforms automatically when a condition is met.
    "when_underwater" : "The candle is extinguished.", // Message to display if the item goes underwater, also cause the item to transform when it goes underwater.
   "non_interactive_message" " "You can not deactivate the lightstrip.",  // Message to display if the player tries to activate the item, also prevents activation by player from working.
"use_action": {
    "type": "explosion", // An item that explodes when it runs out of charges.
    "sound_volume": 0, // Volume of a sound the item makes every turn.
    "sound_msg": "Tick.", // Message describing sound the item makes every turn.
    "no_deactivate_msg": "You've already pulled the %s's pin, try throwing it instead.", // Message to display if the player tries to activate the item, prevents activation from succeeding if defined.
    "explosion_power": 12, // Power of the resulting explosion.
    "explosion_shrapnel": 28, // Power of shrapnel produced by explosion.
    "explosion_fire" : 33, // Power of flames produced by explosion.
    "explosion_blast" : 22, // Power of blast from explosion.
    "draw_explosion_radius" : 5, // How large to draw the radius of the explosion.
    "draw_explosion_color" : "ltblue", // The color to use when drawing the explosion.
    "do_flashbang" : true, // Whether to do the flashbang effect.
    "flashbang_player_immune" : true, // Whether the player is immune to the flashbang effect.
    "fields_radius": 3, // The radius of spread for fields produced.
    "fields_type": "fd_tear_gas", // The type of fields produced.
    "fields_min_density": 3,
    "fields_max_density": 3,
    "emp_blast_radius": 4,
    "scrambler_blast_radius": 4
"use_action": {
    "type": "unfold_vehicle", // Transforms the item into a vehicle.
    "vehicle_name": "bicycle", // Vehicle name to create.
    "unfold_msg": "You painstakingly unfold the bicycle and make it ready to ride.", // Message to display when transforming.
    "moves": 500 // Number of moves required in the process.
"use_action" : {
    "type" : "consume_drug", // A drug the player can consume.
    "activation_message" : "You smoke your crack rocks.  Mother would be proud.", // Message, ayup.
    "diseases" : { "high": 15 }, // A disease to inflict and its duration.
    "stat_adjustments": {"hunger" : -10}, // Adjustment to make to player stats.
    "fields_produced" : {"cracksmoke" : 2}, // Fields to produce, mostly used for smoke.
    "charges_needed" : { "fire" : 1 }, // Charges to use in the process of consuming the drug.
    "tools_needed" : { "apparatus" : -1 } // Tool needed to use the drug.

###PAPERS Require the same values as items of type "GENERIC", additional a "snippet_category" entry:

"snippet_category": "newspaper",

The item descriptions are taken from snippets, which can be specified like this (the value of category must match the snippet_category in the item definition):

    "type" : "snippet",
    "category" : "newspaper",
    "text": "your flavor text"

or several snippets at once:

    "type" : "snippet",
    "category" : "newspaper",
    "text": [ "your flavor text", "another flavor text", "more flavor" ]

Multiple snippets for the same category are possible and actually recommended. The game will select a random one for each item of that type.

#json jsons


"type": "furniture",      //Must always be 'furniture'
"name": "toilet",         //Displayed name of the furniture
"symbol": "&",            //Symbol displayed
"color": "white",         //Glyph color. Alternately use 'bgcolor' to use a solid background color.
                          //You must use EXACTLY ONE of 'color' or 'bgcolor'.
"move_cost_mod": 2,       //Movement cost modifier (-10 = impassable, 0 = no change)
"required_str": 18,       //Strength required to move past the terrain easily
"flags": ["TRANSPARENT", "BASHABLE", "FLAMMABLE_HARD"],    //Furniture flags
"crafting_pseudo_item": "anvil", // id of an item (tool) that will be available for crafting when this furniture is range
"examine_action": "toilet" //(OPTIONAL) Function called when examined, see iexamine.cpp.
                           //If omitted, defaults to iexamine::none.


"type": "terrain",         //Must always be 'terrain'
"name": "spiked pit",      //Displayed name of the terrain
"symbol": "0",             //Symbol used
"color": "ltred",          //Color of the symbol
"move_cost": 10,           //Move cost to move through. 2 = normal speed, 0 = impassable
"trap": "spike_pit",       //(OPTIONAL) trap_id minus the tr_ prefix of the trap type.
                           //If omitted, defaults to tr_null.
"flags": ["TRANSPARENT", "DIGGABLE"],   //Terrain flags
"examine_action": "pit"    //(OPTIONAL) Function called when examined, see iexamine.cpp.
                           //If omitted, defaults to iexamine::none.