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Releases: CityOfZion/neon-js

Update mint tokens scripts logic

13 Feb 03:38
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Update mint tokens scripts logic to compare script hashes to determine order of scripts

Correct typescript typings

12 Feb 01:55
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  • Update typescript typings. They should be working correctly now.

a little hiccup to the past

10 Feb 22:36
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  • Fix TxAttrUsage not being imported properly.

Blast to the past

10 Feb 19:31
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Patch pulling fixes from v3.x:

  • push instead of unshift for api.attachInvokedContractForMintToken.
  • getPrices patch.
  • update export name for TxAttrUsage.
  • Fix transaction attribute deserialization.
  • Fix _emitNum emitting trimmed hex numbers.

Async encryption and better smart contract script creation

26 Jan 07:02
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  • Wallet

    • Implement encryptAsync and decryptAsync using a new scrypt library. Further work will be done to convert the existing encrypt/decrypt to use the new library.
    • Claims object is now slicable, allowing users to break up the Claims object into smaller Claims.
  • Util

    • Override more methods in Fixed8 to return Fixed8s.
    • Update util functions to use Fixed8 internally.
  • API

    • Mark api.nep5.doTransferToken for deprecation.
  • Sc

    • createScript now accepts an array of scripts to parse and concatenate.
  • Docs

    • Start to overhaul docs to favor examples and integrating the reference into the main docs instead of having it as a standalone section.
  • Others

    • NPM packages updated to latest.
  • Fixes

    • Fix scryptParams to use n,r,p
    • Update default RPC endpoints to use https
    • Fix Account defaults
    • Fix _emitNum emitting trimmed hex numbers


17 Jan 07:38
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  • API

    • Expose the loadBalance method. This method allows the use of the dynamic API switch within neon-js for the external providers.
    • Implement the full set of APIs on neoscan. Neoscan is now complete and up to par with neonDB in terms of features.
    • Expose getXFrom set of methods which follow the API config convention and is usable with the loadBalance function.


16 Jan 08:05
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Fixed8 Fixed8 Everywhere

  • Logging

    • Setup logging directed at stdout and stderr. Logging package is loglevel.
    • Defaults to silent.
    • Not exposed through semantic style currently.
    • All deprecation messages are set to 'warn' level.
    • See logging for more details.
  • Utils

    • Fixed8: A new class extending bignumber.js that replaces all value storage in neon-js
    • This class is now used for all classes that involves coin values with decimal places.
    • Comes with helper methods such as toHex and fromHex.
      import {u} from '@cityofzion/neon-js'
      // accepts numbers or string
      const num1 = new u.Fixed8(123.4567)
      const num2 = u.Fixed8.fromHex('0000000005f5e100') // 1
      const num3 = num1.add(num2) // immutable
      console.log(num3.toString()) // '124.4567'
  • Wallet

    • Claims is now a ES6 class. While it does not have any spceial methods for it now, it is one of the high level objects that we will be working with in neon-js. This allows easy creation of Claims using the constructor by passing in a CLaims-like javascript object.
    • components have been created for the minor sub-components found in Claims and Balance. These methods are useful for us to rapidly create components that are usable with neon-js methods. Refer to the wallet section for more information.
    • BREAKING Excess NEP2 functions are now fully deprecated. The list is encryptWifAccount, generateENcryptedWif, encryptWIF, decryptWIF.
  • Transaction

    • Update all methods to conform with the new Fixed8 classes. This also means that neon-js will not be compatible with just normal javascript objects anymore.
  • API

    • BREAKING Update external API libraries (neonDB and neoscan) to return Balance and Claims objects. Fixed8 will be used in the new models, making arithmetic operations very different from normal javascript numbers.
    • A bug has been discovered in getPrice. While it works for NEO and GAS, it will not work for any of the NEP5 tokens. getPrices has been fixed for this bug. However, there is no easy fix for getPrice and thus, we will move forward with deprecating getPrice in favor of getPrices.
  • Fixes

    • fix getPrices by adding a limit=0 to the query.
    • fix default Account.contract field not having the required shape.
    • fix transaction attribute being deserialized wrongly.

2.3.1: Patch neonDB numbers

05 Jan 04:21
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This cleans neonDB numbers before use.

2.3.0: All about the NEP5

04 Jan 04:58
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  • Smart Contract

    • Add OpCodes APPEND and REVERSE.
  • API

    • Add getPrices to get multiple token prices with a single API call.
    • Update parsing of api/getToken to include case of empty string for parsing the decimals field.
    • Update doMintToken to include extra information required for future invokes.
    • Implement the API switch.
  • Fixes

    • Fix core.signTransaction to check if input is a HEX private key.
    • Fix NEP5 tokens to parse by decimals field.
    • Fix default values for invocation exclusive component.
  • Others

    • Add docs build information to readme.


19 Dec 04:32
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Fixed doTransferToken