The website source:
Very simple, no JS necessary. Using Hugo, a fast static website generator and NodeJS for building.
- On OSX with homebrew:
brew install hugo
- Or download a release from here:
This setup needs at least Hugo version 0.37.1.
Start development mode (with hot reloading):
hugo server -D
Then you can visit the generated site at http://localhost:1313. As soon as source files change, hugo builds and reloads the page.
There are several Node.js gulp tasks. For instance, to produce minified production builds,
just run gulp build
. It will now export a build to the public folder.
- Install Node.js
- Run
npm install
New to our team? Do a pullrequest to add yourself! Important to know that we have the following roles:
- Council
- Advisor
- Maintainer
- Developer
- Contributor
If you're NOT on the City of Zion Github, you're a contributor. If you're on there you're a developer. For the other roles: You know when you're a maintainer or advisor ;-)
If you prefer to be anonymous, it's alright too -- simply don't add your real name,location, etc. but still add yourself. But please use the image: anonymous.jpg.
- Fork the repo
- Update the Team.yaml
- Add a picture in jpg format 480x480px here
- Please resize and export the image in 480x480px JPG format, with about 80% quality. You can do this easily in Gimp or Photoshop ot in the command line with this ImageMagick command:
convert -resize "480x480^" -gravity center -crop 480x480+0+0 -strip -interlace Plane -quality 80% <yourpicture> <yourcozpicture>.jpg
To just optimize the image if you already have it in the correct size:
mogrify -strip -interlace Plane -quality 80% <yourpicture>.jpg
- Create a Pull Request
- Open-source MIT.
There used to be an 'old' website. That is still to be found here