Game developer. ex. Full-stack(front-end heavy) developer, passioned about games Contacts telegram, email
- GameDev - UE4-UE5 1.5 years commercial and 2.5 years hobby, unity 1.5 years commercial, playcanvas a bit 2 months commercial
- Web - 4 years commercial - react, react native, nodejs, electron, typescript
Web - react, react native, nodejs, nextjs, electron, typescript, koa, styled-components, eslint, prettier, postgresql, redis, sequelize, sentry, jest, expo
GameDev - UE4-UE5, playcanvas, GameplayAbilitySystem(GAS), CommonUI, EnhancedInputSystem, GameplayTags, BehaviorTrees, Blender, Send2UE
@winstrike - esports holding
- @winstrike/booking-mobile-app - developed mobile app for booking seats in computer clubs from scratch, links on android, ios and screenshots
- techs: react-native + expo "bare"
- made:
- authentication flow - register, login, password reset, authentication with socials
- onboarding flow - city selection, club selection, club info screen
- booking flow - home screen, club section selection, section info screen, date and time selection screen, pack selection screen, seats selection screen, checkout screen and checkout webview with payment provider
- announcements screen - one of the main communication channel with players, by clicking on push user sended on specific announcement
- settings screen - u know editing user data, link socials and so on... those interesting things...
- @winstrike/winstrike-id - developed authentication service from scratch using oauth2/openid, it used in all @winstrike products screenshots
- techs: nextjs(🙃) + koa + redis + postgres + twilio + sendgrid
- made:
- frontend for register, login, password reset, email confirm, profile, profile editing
- backend internal authentication via phone(OTP) and via socials steam/vk/apple
- backend external authentication endpoints for winstrike services based on OAuth2
- @winstrike/booking-api - developed backend for sending notifications, some endpoints and unit tests
- @winstrike/booking_admin - react + CRA, backoffice for computer clubs admins, reworked whole frontend, simplified routing and simplified UX.
- @winstrike/booking-widget - react + CRA, slightly helped with frontend
- @winstrike/admin-desktop and @winstrike/booking-desktop - electron apps, fixed several issues
- @winstrike/xxxtension - react + CRA, twitch extension
- @winstrike/nivea-ultra-games - react + CRA + firebase, twitch extension, special project for nivea, with 4 mini-games videos
- overplay - storybook components, ... TODO: mvp videos
- FireSave - pet-project, electron app, videogames saves manager
- user-scripts - js scripts, some user scripts like dark theme for dtf, vc, tjournal and steam
- @winstrike/react-native-webview - made fork with temporary fix for applepay, issue described here, npm package
- playcanvas-typescript-example - js, playcanvas game engine, example of small FPS game written on typescript, as typesafe as possible and showing some approaches on how its possible to write code on with playcanvas read forum post
- find-steam-app - pet-project, nodejs lib, helps find location of an installed Steam app
Click me
Site about Artifact | Full-stack developer | 09.2018 | screenshots - site about valve game - Artifact started by DOTA2/Esports enthusiasts well known in DOTA 2 community(@SirActionSlacks, @Cyborgmatt, @SUNSfanTV, @bukkadota, @followNoxville) to build best community project where people may come for anything they want - casual videos, twitch shows, stats, tournaments, hot news, cards info, learning, cardsmith to make their own cards, deck builder, pathfinder and much more.
I joined the team at the end of september. At start i wanted to make twitch extension - concept here later @bukkadota suggest me to help with site development and gave full freedom of choice of technology stack. There was many changes in project structure/tech stack, here some solutions we use:
- firebase cloud storage as CDN for UGC(raw images, thumbnails...)
- firebase hosting - for static assets(js, html, css, images, fonts...)
- - repo for fetching images from artifact client and valve API -> processing them(trim, resize, convert) -> and save them in normalized structure. It use ValveResourceFormat to decompile assets from client.
Techs: React, TypeScript, MobX, styled-components, Webpack, Babel, PostgreSQL, Redis, express, Knex.js, Objection.js, Twitch API, Quill, firebase - cloud storage, firebase - hosting, passport, passport-discord, passport-steam, pg, discord.js, nodemon, yarn, yarn workspaces, prettier, sharp, express-session
Twitch extension | Front-End developer & Co-founder | 04.2018 | screenshots
First of several exts using "Bits in Extensions". Selected by for feature placement.
Bubble Text - allows streamers to install an interactive speech bubble on their stream. Viewers can then use bits to get a set of text, animation and bubble style that will be displayed on the stream. By providing a variety of options, bubble text assures a unique and personalized experience for every user. This extension makes viewers feel more engaged by providing a gateway from Twitch to streamer’s screen. For streamers, this extension gives an opportunity to monetize their stream by giving them a portion of each sale.
Made in collaboration with @drazzzer(Kubatko Daniil)
Techs: React, TypeScript, MobX, styled-components, Webpack,, Twitch API, Twitch Extensions
Twitch extension | Owner | 09.2017 | screenshots
Twitch extension provide in-game statistics for the streamers currently support DOTA 2 Also integrated data from awesome personal esports training lab - GOSU.AI u can read about it here
Techs: React, Postman, PostgreSQL, Webpack, MobX, Redis, yarn, yarn workspaces, lodash, Twitch API, Twitch Extensions
Metrics: Installs - 2950, Uninstalls - 824, Activations - 1603, Views - 8,477,823, Uniq Viewers - 4,899,421, Uniq Viewers(09.01-07.02) - 240,888 Clicks - 9,927,763, Uniq Interactions - 1,123,464, Uniq Interactions(09.01-07.02) - 64,278,
Treasure Simulator 2
Prototype | Owner | 24.01.2017 | screenshots
Second version of my "Treasure Simulator DOTA 2" app. Refactored and updated "DOTA 2 Wiki Parser" to v2.
Techs: Unity3D, C#, Texture Packer, PVRTC, Photoshop, base64, AES, Visual Studio, Resharper, git, Bitbucket
Treasure Simulator DOTA 2 App(Android) | Owner | 07.2015-01.2016 | screenshots
App simulate opening treasures from DOTA 2. Items are parsed from DOTA 2 Wiki with my "DOTA 2 Wiki Parser"
UPDATE: currently unavalable due to changed Google Play policies, need to rebuild app and publish again
Metrics Installs - 53.48K, Average rating - 4.04,
Unity3D app | Owner | 24.01.2017 | screenshots
Moved to Unity codebase of "DOTA 2 Wiki Parser" with updated UI. Made for "Treasure Simulator 2" project
Techs: Unity3D, HtmlAgilityPack, Json.NET
DOTA 2 Wiki Parser .NET app | Owner | 07.2015-01.2016 | screenshots
DOTA 2 Wiki( parser for "Treasure Simulator DOTA 2" project.
Techs: C#, .NET, Visual Studio, Resharper, HtmlAgilityPack, MetroUI, MiniJSON