Provides additional features to the ScoreSaber website
Get Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey for Chrome or Firefox. Then install the script from here.
- Compare your scores with your friends
- Extend the song table to the full box width
- Direct links to BeatSaver and OneClick download
- Compare scores on a song page with friends
- Show pp distribution Graphs
- Pin your own profile to the nav bar
- Jump directly to other saved users
- Many themes, including various dark themes.
- Rank number link on a user page jumps to the page where the user is
- Rank number now links to the song leaderboard page where the user is
Setup everything with yarn
/ npm install
Run yarn build
to build the project.
Run yarn dev
to run the watcher which will continuously build the project.
The generated output file is always scoresaber.user.js
1.9.2 | 2021-05-10
1.9.1 | 2021-02-25
- Also change country rank link to jump to correct page.
1.9.0 | 2020-08-13
1.8.7 | 2020-08-05
- Fixed graphjs throwing when loading in background tab.
1.8.6 | 2020-08-04
- Fixed #19 incorrectly loading css.
1.8.5 | 2020-07-28
- Using sessionStore to cache some data.
1.8.4 | 2020-07-27
1.8.3 | 2020-07-13
- Added ratelimit detection for the scoresaber api
1.8.2 | 2020-06-20
1.8.1 | 2020-05-05
- Added !bsr button
1.8.0 | 2020-05-05
- Actually fixed colors for default dark theme (hopefully)
- Added 'Update All' and 'Force Update All' for easier updating (#11)
(Especially since the recent pp rework this might be useful)
- Fixed compatibility for GreaseMonkey (#10)
- Fixed typo (#9)
- Fixed wrong accuracy calculation with new ss api
- Added preview button to song page
- Fixed issues with the new ss backend api
- Added new ScoreSaber api as loader backend. Retrieving data should now be super fast again. If you have Problems you can disable it in the settings.
- Improved layout of bs/bs stats and added song length
- Added song stats from BeatSaver and BeastSaber to song page
- Added pp distribution graph
- Adjust colors to dark mode of ScoreSaber
- Fixed force update for song pages
- Added visual feedback for download start/fail
- Fixed 'friends' tab being broken
- Fixed some songs breaking the song comparison
- Disable BS/OC buttons on songs with invalid ids