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BeeCP is a lightweight JDBC connection pool,its Jar file only 133KB and its techology highlights: caching single connection, non moving waiting, fixed length array





Highlight Features

  • Provide interruption mehod to broke blocking
  • Support Pool clean and pool reinitalization
  • Support properties file configuration
  • Provide interfaces for customization
  • Support virtual thread applications
  • Provide web monitor



Reminder: If your project is built on springboot framework and also you are interested at beecp or already using it,we recommend beecp starter to you.

📊JMH Performance


PC: Windows11,Intel-i7-14650HX,32G Memory Java: 1.8.0_171 Pool: init size 32,max size 32 Source code:

🍒Compare to HikariCP

item HikariCP BeeCP
Size of connection in threadlocal One or more Single
Type of container store connections CopyOnWriteArrayList A fixed length array
Transfer queue/wait queue SynchronousQueue ConcurrentLinkedQueue
Asyn way of thread to create connections Thread pool Single thread
Support concurrency cretion of connections Not Support Support
Support clean and reinitialization in pool Not Support Support
Provide interruption method to broke blocking Not Provide Provide
Provide connection factory interface Not Support Support
Support threadLocal-cache disable Not Support Support
Support XADataSource Not Support Support

HikariCP is an excellent open source project and widely used in the Java world,it is developed by Brettwooldridge,a senior JDBC expert of United States

👉How to use it

Its usage is generally similar to popular connection pools,and some reference source codes in followed chapters

*One: Directly use, similar to the traditional DBC operation

//step1: set parameters and create datasource
BeeDataSourceConfig config = new BeeDataSourceConfig();
config.setDriverClassName("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver");//driver class names
config.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost/test");//or like it:setUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost/test");
config.setUsername("root");//user name
BeeDataSource ds = new BeeDataSource(config);

//step2:get connection and use it
try(Connection con = ds.getConnection()){
  • Second:Indirect approach,Register as a Spring Bean and used by persistence frameworks
public class DataSourceConfiguration{

  public DataSource ds1(){
     return new BeeDataSource();

  public DataSource ds2(){
    BeeDataSourceConfig config = new BeeDataSourceConfig();
    //.......set parameters
    return new BeeDataSource(config);
  • Third:beecp-starter,File configuration, supporting multiple sources

🔡Configuration properties

BeeCP woring parameters are from its configuration object(BeeDataSourceConfig),below is a list of properites,which can be confiured by their set methods

property name description default value
username user name of db blank
password user password of db blank
jdbcUrl link url to db blank
driverClassName jdbc driver class name blank
poolName pool name,if not set,a generated name will be assigned to it blank
fairMode a mode to get connections from pool false(unfair mode)
initialSize creation size of connecitons during pool initialization 0
maxActive max size of connections in pool 10
borrowSemaphoreSize max permit size of semaphore for conneciton getting min(maxActive/2,CPU size)
defaultAutoCommit Connection.setAutoComit(defaultAutoCommit) blank
defaultTransactionIsolationCode Connection.setTransactionIsolation(defaultTransactionIsolationCode) blank
defaultCatalog Connection.setCatalog(defaultCatalog) blank
defaultSchema Connection.setSchema(defaultSchema) blank
defaultReadOnly Connection.setReadOnly(defaultReadOnly) blank
maxWait max wait time in pool to get connection(ms) 8000
idleTimeout max idle time of connecitons in pool (ms) 18000
holdTimeout max inactive time of borrowed connections(ms) 0
aliveTestSql alive test sql SELECT 1
aliveTestTimeout max wait time to get alive check result(seconds) 3
aliveAssumeTime a hreshold time to do alive check on borrowed connections,assume alive if less,otherwise check(ms) 500
forceCloseUsingOnClear indicator to recyle borrowed connecton by force when pool clean false
parkTimeForRetry timed wait for borrowed connections to return to pool and close them(ms) 3000
timerCheckInterval a iterval time for pool to scan idle-timeout conencitons (ms) 18000
forceDirtyOnSchemaAfterSet force reset flag for schema property when conneciton close(can used in app of PG) false
forceDirtyOnCatalogAfterSet force reset flag for catlog property when conneciton close(can used in app of PG) false
enableThreadLocal an indicator to enable/disable threadlocal in pool(false to support VT) true
enableJmx enable indicator to support Jmx false
printConfigInfo indicator to print configuration items by log when pool initialize false
printRuntimeLog indicator to print runtime logs of pool false
connectionFactory connection factory instance blank
connectionFactoryClass connection factory class blank
connectionFactoryClassName connection factory class name blank
evictPredicate predicate instance blank
evictPredicateClass predicate class blank
evictPredicateClassName predicate class name blank
jdbcLinkInfoDecoder decoder instance of jdbc link info blank
jdbcLinkInfoDecoderClass decoder class of jdbc link info blank
jdbcLinkInfoDecoderClassName decoder class name of jdbc link info blank

*Object type properties,choosed priority order:instance > class > class name

*Object type properties,property class must be not abstract and a constructor without parameters exist in class

*Five defaultxxx properties(defaultAutoCommit,defaultTransactionIsolationCode,defaultCatalog,defaultSchema,defaultReadOnly), if them not be set,then read value as default from first success creation connection

📝Properties file of configuration

BeeCP supports loading configuration from properties type files and properties objects(java.util.Properties),a referrence example is blow

BeeDataSourceConfig config = new BeeDataSourceConfig();



#implemention class name of connection factory 
#implemention class name of link info decoder

Reminder: The configuration format of properties name currently supports camel hump, middle line, underline

Driver parameters

BeeCP internally uses drivers or connection factories to create connection objects, and factories may depend on some parameters. Two methods are provided in the configuration object (BeeDataSourceConfig) to for it

  • addConnectProperty(String,Object);// Add a parameter

  • addConnectProperty(String);// Add multiple parameters,for example: cachePrepStmts=true&prepStmtCacheSize=250

An example

 BeeDataSourceConfig config = new BeeDataSourceConfig();
 config.addConnectProperty("cachePrepStmts", "true");
 config.addConnectProperty("prepStmtCacheSize", "250");
 config.addConnectProperty("prepStmtCacheSqlLimit", "2048");


  • Refrence poperites file1
  • Refrence Poperites file2(recommended it when multiple parameters)

🔚Connection Eviction

BeeCP provides two ways

  1. Manual eviction, call the abort method of connections (connect. abort (null)), pool immediately physically closes them and removes them

  2. Eviction by configuration,which is used to help pool identify connections thrown SQLException, there are three configuration way for it

  • A. configuration of exception code:addSqlExceptionCode(int code);//related to SQLException.vendorCode
  • B. configuration of exception state: addSqlExceptionState(String state);/related to SQLException.SQLState
  • C. configuration of predicate: setEvictPredicate(BeeConnectionPredicate p);setEvictPredicateClass(Clas c); setEvictPredicateClassName(String n);

Properties File(example)



Additional info

1:If predicate set, then ignore the other two configurations;evict connection from pool where check reuslt of sql exception is not null/empty
2:If predicate not configured,exception code check is priority to exception state check, if matched,then evict connections
3:Force eviction,call abort method of connection(connect.abort (null))
4:After eviction,if exist waiter for connection transfer,then create a new conenction and transfer it to waiter

Interruption when blocking

Connection creation is an important activity in pool, but due to server, network, or other reasons, the creation process may be blocked. To address this issue, BeeCP provides two ways to solve it

  1. External approach, providing two methods,query method: BeeDataSource.getPoolMonitorVo() ;Interruption method: BeeDataSource.interruptConnectionCreating(boolean)

  2. Internal approach,internal worker thread scan and find out all blocking and interrupt them

Additional info

  • 1:If elapsed time of conneciton creation is greater than maxwait value,pool regards it as blocking
  • 2: If borrower thread is interrupted,then an interrupt exception will be thrown from **getConnection ** method
  • 3: Creation info and blocking info is also display on monitor page

🛒Clean and Reinitialization

BeeCP provides two clear methods on the data source (BeeDataSource) to clean up the connections created in the pool and restore the pool to its initial state,not accept external requests during clean

  • clear(boolean forceCloseUsing);//forceCloseUsing is true,then recyle borrowed conenction by force

  • clear(boolean forceCloseUsing, BeeDataSourceConfig config);//forceCloseUsing is true,then recyle borrowed conenction by force;then reinitiaize pool with new configuration

*Interrupt them if connection creation exist druing clean process;let waiters to exit waiting for ending request of connection getting

🏭Factory customization

Beecp provides factory interfaces (BeeConnectFactory, BeeXaConnectFactory) for custom implementation of connection creation, and there are four methods on the BeeDataSourceConfig object (setConnectFactory, setXaConnectFactory, setConnectFactoryClass, setConnectFactoryClassName) to set the factory object, factory class, and factory class name respectively. The order of effective selection is: factory object>factory class>factory class name,below is a reference example

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Driver;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.stone.beecp.BeeConnectionFactory;

public class MyConnectionFactory implements BeeConnectionFactory {
    private final String url;
    private final Driver driver;
    private final Properties connectInfo;

    public MyConnectionFactory(String url, Properties connectInfo, Driver driver) {
        this.url = url;
        this.driver = driver;
        this.connectInfo = connectInfo;

    public Connection create() throws SQLException {
        return driver.connect(url, connectInfo);

public class MyConnectionDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
        final String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test";
        final Driver myDriver = DriverManager.getDriver(url);
        final Properties connectInfo = new Properties();

        BeeDataSourceConfig config = new BeeDataSourceConfig();
        config.setConnectionFactory(new MyConnectionFactory(url, connectInfo, myDriver));
        BeeDataSource ds = new BeeDataSource(config);

        try (Connection con = ds.getConnection()) {
            //put your code here

Reminder: If both the connection factory and four basic parameters (driver, URL, user, password) are set simultaneously, the connection factory will be prioritized for use.