- Stack is a build tool
- Stack is not a package manager
- Curated package lists known to have no conflicts:
- Sandbox builds by default
- Reproducible builds
- Install packages globally using a given resolver
# outside of any stack projects
stack --resolver=lts-10.10 install hindent
- Common packages to install globally
stack --resolver=lts-10.10 install hlint hindent stylish-haskell
Other way to generate cabal config files
- Simplicity
- Focus on Essentials
- Less boilerplate
file with hpack
- Package and dependency manager
- Organize package with .cabal file
- Stack is a layer on top of cabal
# stack.yaml
enable: true
- Pass environment variables to the docker container
stack ghci --docker-env "FOO=BAR"
stack ghci --docker-env "FOO=BAR" --docker-env "BAZ=FOOZ"
- Creating new stack project
stack new project-name
- Build a target
stack build <target>
Never use
stack install
Build project without optimization, for development
stack build --fast
- Run tests along with the code
stack test --fast
stack build --fast --test
- Build documentation
stack test --fast --haddock-deps
- Rerun tests as code changes
stack test --fast --haddock-deps --file-watch
- Force everything to be re-built, removes local cache
stack clean
- Run specified executable from latest build
stack exec name-exe
- Run ghci
stack ghci
- Open local documentation
stack haddock --open lens
- Build the Hoogle Search Index
stack hoogle -- generate --local
- Start Hoogle local webserver
stack hoogle -- server --local --port=8080
that generates the cabal file- Online Documentation
- Build ghc-mod, hlint, hoogle, ...
stack build ghc-mod hlint hoogle
- GHC will create a program if there is a module named
and amain
function. Otherwise use the-is-main
ghc flag.
stack ghc -- -O2 src/Map.hs -main-is Map.main && src/Map
- Incomplete Pattern Matching
- Runtime Failable Record Update
- Redundant Constraints
- Missing Export List
- Treat Warnings as Errors (use in CI only)