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Carpool prototype

The requrement is here

1. Introduction

1.1 Steps to run

To run the program, follow the steps below:

  1. First you need to create random orders and vehicles. Simply click New orders and Get vehicle . You will see some new spots showing on the map. Each order has an unique color. Label S(start) and E(end) represent pickup& deliver locations respectively. You will also see two lightgreen spots labeled Va and Vb representing two different vehicles.

  2. Then there will be more options showing up, and the button Assign orders should be available to click. For the first time you can just leave the options as default and click Assign orders.

  3. You will see the animation starts, representing each vehicle's path. Related information will also display in the table on the right side.

  4. Once animation stopped, you could re-play the animation by clicking 'Assign orders', try other orders&vehicles combinations by clicking New orders/Get vehicles, or just click Start over button to clear the map.


  • Animation type: The linear one could better illustrate path's order&relationships. But in case you feel it is unreal, just select 'real route'.
  • Assign criteria: The definition of the best strategy.
  • Restrictions: Limitations when calculating the path, considering user's experiences. e.g. if set duration restriction=1.2, and an order takes 10 minutes on single transit, then the order in carpool transit cannot exceed 12 minutes.

1.2 Assign Strategy

The basic idea is:

  1. Firstly find all possible ways of partitioning given orders(<=5) into two subsets.

  2. For each possible subset of orders, find all possible sequences of location points(vehicle locations, pickup locations& delivery locations).

  3. Get the best sequence of them based on certain criterias(shortest distance/duration) and restrictions. Then for each possible partitioning, it has a best solution: two best sequences for the two vehicles.

  4. At last we comepare all partitionings, and get the best one based on the criterias.

2. Algotithm Explainations

2.1 Creating random orders

The key is making sure the random locations are on the land rather than ocean. Mathematically it is equivalent to the question: determine if a point is inside/outside a polygon.

I use RayCasting method: cast a ray from the point, count the num of intersections of the ray and polygon's borders. If num is odd, it's inside; if num is even, it's outside.

See code implementation in app/Library/Location.php:createRandomAccessibleLocation.

2.2 Split orders

function math_combination($arr, $num)
    if ($num == 0) {
        return [[]];
    $cnt    = count($arr);
    $result = [];
    for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
        $subs = math_combination(array_slice($arr, $i + 1), $num - 1);
        foreach ($subs as $s) {
            $result[] = array_merge([$arr[$i]], $s);
    return $result;
  • 2.2.2 Note each box could contain up to 3 balls. If n > 3(n=4,5), each box must contain at least n-3 balls.

    Number of combinations:

    • n=1: C10 + C11 = 2
    • n=2: C20 + C21 + C22 = 4
    • n=3: C30 + C31 + C32 + C33= 8
    • n=4: C41 + C42 + C43= 14
    • n=5: C52 + C53 = 20

    Thus it has:

    Code implementation: app/Library/Strategy.php:splits

protected static function splits($order_ids)
    // maximum&minimum number of orders a vehicle could have at a time
    $max_num_orders = min(3, count($order_ids));
    $min_num_orders = max(0, count($order_ids) - $max_num_orders);

    $splits = [];
    for ($i = $min_num_orders; $i <= $max_num_orders; $i++) {
        $splits_vehicle_a = math_combination($order_ids, $i);
        foreach ($splits_vehicle_a as $combination_a) {
            $splits[] = [$combination_a, array_diff($order_ids, $combination_a)];
    return $splits;

2.3 To find all sequences

Given n orders, find all sequences of pickup&dropoff locations. Note for each order, the pickup location cannot after its dropoff location. Thus it has P2n2n/(2n) permutations.

Code implementation: app/bootstrap/functions.php:math_sequence

function math_sequence($arr)
    if (count($arr) == 0) {
        return [[]];
    $result = [];
    foreach ($arr as $key => $pair) {
        $select_point = array_shift($pair);

        $rest_arr = array_except($arr, $key);
        $rest_arr = empty($pair) ? $rest_arr : array_merge($rest_arr, [$pair]);

        $sub_sequences = math_sequence($rest_arr);
        foreach ($sub_sequences as $sub) {
            array_unshift($sub, $select_point);
            $result[] = $sub;
    return $result;

2.4 To find best sequence

First get all sub-sections' duration&distance (app/Library/Strategy.php:subSectionDistances). Then calculate all sequences' durations&distances and select least cost one(Consider restriction& criteria).

3. Testing

  • Create random order (170 ms on average):

phpunit tests/CreateOrderTest.php --filter testSingleRequest

phpunit tests/CreateOrderTest.php --filter testMultiRequests

  • Get vehicles (40 ms on average);

phpunit tests/GetVehiclesTest.php --filter testSingleRequest

phpunit tests/GetVehiclesTest.php --filter testMultiRequests

  • Assign orders (240 ms on average);

phpunit tests/AssignOrdersTest.php --filter testBorder

phpunit tests/AssignOrdersTest.php --filter testSingleRequest

phpunit tests/AssignOrdersTest.php --filter testMultiRequests

4. Assumptions

  • All locations are limited in accessible area in Hong Kong. Some small islands are excluded.
  • For each order, the duration(delivery_time - pickup_time) is based on real conditions, not specified by users.
  • For each order, the pickup time is flexible and negotiable with clients.
  • Each vehicle can take up to 3 orders at a time.
  • No more than 5 orders can be shown on the map.

5. Tech Specs

* PHP 5.6
* Lumen 5.4
* Mysql 5.7
* Gaode map Api(高德地图)
* jQuery &Bootstrap
* Server: Ubuntu 16.x(Ali cloud server)

6. Log

  • 1.0.1 (04.05.2017)

    • Fixed bug: When visiting the demo page at the first time, AMap.UI plugin is loaded incorrectly. Make own icons instead of using UI plugin.


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