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NTS pool KE

The NTS pool KE experimental feature provides an analogue to the ntp pool that supports Network Time Security (NTS).

The technical details are described in the draft RFC.


The NTS pool KE feature is behind a feature flag that is disabled by default. Enabling this feature requires a from-source build.

> cargo build --release --features "unstable_nts-pool"

> ls target/release/

The command builds a version of ntp-daemon that accepts configuration for being an NTS pool client and can be an NTS pool KE server. The nts-pool-ke binary is the actual pool.


An (insecure!) example setup is given by the unsafe.*.toml files in this directory. Purely for testing, this example can be run on a single machine as follows. In three different terminals, run

sudo target/release/ntp-daemon -c nts-pool-ke/unsafe.nts.server.toml
target/release/nts-pool-ke -c nts-pool-ke/unsafe.pool.toml
sudo target/release/ntp-daemon -c nts-pool-ke/unsafe.nts.client.toml

The server should show something like this

> sudo target/release/ntp-daemon -c nts-pool-ke/unsafe.nts.server.toml

2023-12-21T10:49:12.702642Z  INFO ntpd::daemon::system: new source source_id=SourceId(1) addr= spawner=SpawnerId(1)
2023-12-21T10:49:12.702693Z  INFO ntpd::daemon::system: new source source_id=SourceId(2) addr= spawner=SpawnerId(1)
2023-12-21T10:49:12.702706Z  INFO ntpd::daemon::system: new source source_id=SourceId(3) addr= spawner=SpawnerId(1)
2023-12-21T10:49:12.702719Z  INFO ntpd::daemon::system: new source source_id=SourceId(4) addr= spawner=SpawnerId(1)
2023-12-21T10:49:12.709153Z  INFO ntp_proto::algorithm::kalman: Offset: 2.2252593194659007+-70.88905127356101ms, frequency: 0+-10000000ppm
2023-12-21T10:49:12.709438Z  INFO ntp_proto::algorithm::kalman: Offset: 1.6675194083763052+-50.70180376962068ms, frequency: 0+-7071067.811865476ppm
2023-12-21T10:49:12.711005Z  INFO ntp_proto::algorithm::kalman: Offset: 1.3434683112795662+-43.24338657667398ms, frequency: 0+-5773502.691896257ppm

The NTS pool KE should show

> target/release/nts-pool-ke -c nts-pool-ke/unsafe.pool.toml

2023-12-21T10:49:34.628308Z  INFO nts_pool_ke: listening on 'Ok('
2023-12-21T10:49:37.765321Z  INFO nts_pool_ke: received records from the client
2023-12-21T10:49:37.766481Z  INFO nts_pool_ke: checking supported algorithms for 'localhost:8081'
2023-12-21T10:49:37.767102Z  INFO nts_pool_ke: checking supported algorithms for 'localhost:8080'
2023-12-21T10:49:37.769478Z  INFO nts_pool_ke: established connection to the server
2023-12-21T10:49:37.769717Z  INFO nts_pool_ke: received supported algorithms from the NTS KE server
2023-12-21T10:49:37.770599Z  INFO nts_pool_ke: fetching cookies from the NTS KE server
2023-12-21T10:49:37.770834Z  INFO nts_pool_ke: received cookies from the NTS KE server
2023-12-21T10:49:37.770868Z  INFO nts_pool_ke: wrote records for client

Finally the client should show

> sudo target/release/ntp-daemon -c nts-pool-ke/unsafe.nts.client.toml

2023-12-21T13:11:03.577635Z  INFO ntpd::daemon::system: new source source_id=SourceId(1) addr= spawner=SpawnerId(1)
2023-12-21T13:11:03.580097Z  INFO ntp_proto::algorithm::kalman: Offset: -0.043484615172139515+-44.92576728378405ms, frequency: 0+-10000000ppm

NOTE: the client may need a while to synchronize in this scenario. So long as no warnings are printed things should eventually settle and start to synchronize.


An (insecure!) example setup is given by the unsafe.*.toml files in this directory. The important bits are highlighted here.


Because this is a build with the NTS pool KE enabled, the client accepts a source of type "nts-pool", for instance:

# client.toml

mode = "nts-pool"
address =  "custom.nts.pool:4460"
certificate-authority = "ca.pem"
count = 2

Configuration for the client is otherwise unchanged.


The pool is configured with a custom pool.toml configuration file. Because the pool behaves like both a server and a client, it needs certificate information that combines the configuration that we normally see for NTS clients and servers.

# pool.toml

listen = ""
certificate-authority-path = "ca.pem"
certificate-chain-path = "end.fullchain.pem"
private-key-path = "end.key"
key-exchange-servers = [
    { domain = "nts.server.1", port = 8081 },
    { domain = "nts.server.2", port = 8080 },


Server configuration is mostly standard, but the certificate for an NTS pool must be specifically allow-listed by specifying them using authorized-pool-server-certificates. The files listed there must consist of just a single certificate, not a certificate chain.

# server.toml

listen = ""
certificate-chain-path = "end.fullchain.pem"
private-key-path = "end.key"
authorized-pool-server-certificates = ["end.pem"]
key-exchange-timeout-ms = 1000

Generating Certificates

The NTS pool KE requires a relatively complex certificate setup. Documentation for generating a certificate authority can be found in our docs. The test-keys/ script generates a certificate and private key for a server.