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Cesium for Omniverse


See Linux or Windows for step-by-step installation instructions

  • Linux (Ubuntu 22.04+ or equivalent) or Windows
  • Clang 15+, GCC 9+, or Visual Studio 2022+
  • Python 3.10+ - For Conan and scripts
  • CMake 3.22+ - Build system generator
  • Make - Build system (Linux only)
  • Conan - Third party C++ library management
  • gcovr - Code coverage (Linux only)
  • Doxygen - Documentation
  • clang-format - Code formatting
  • clang-tidy - Linting and static code analysis (Linux only)


  • Ensure the correct NVIDIA drivers are installed (not the default open source driver) and that the GPU can be identified
  • Install dependencies (for Ubuntu 22.04 - other Linux distributions should be similar)
    sudo apt install -y gcc-9 g++-9 clang-15 python3 python3-pip cmake make git doxygen clang-format-15 clang-tidy-15 clangd-15 gcovr
  • Install Conan with pip because Conan is not in Ubuntu's package manager
    sudo pip3 install conan==1.63.0
  • Install cmake-format
    sudo pip3 install cmake-format
  • Install black and flake8
    pip3 install black==23.1.0 flake8==7.1.1
  • Add symlinks the clang-15 tools so that the correct version is chosen when running clang-format, clang-tidy, etc
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/clang-15 /usr/bin/clang
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/clang++-15 /usr/bin/clang++
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/clang-format-15 /usr/bin/clang-format
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/clang-tidy-15 /usr/bin/clang-tidy
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/run-clang-tidy-15 /usr/bin/run-clang-tidy
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/llvm-cov-15 /usr/bin/llvm-cov
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/clangd-15 /usr/bin/clangd
  • Or, you can use the update-alternatives program to create the links and manage versions. This is an approach you can use in a script or on the command line:
    clangprogs="/usr/bin/clang*-15 /usr/bin/run-clang-tidy-15 /usr/bin/llvm-cov-15"
    for prog in $clangprogs
        update-alternatives --install $linked $generic $prog 15
  • Then refresh the shell so that newly added dependencies are available in the path.
    exec bash


There are two ways to install prerequisites for Windows, manually or with Chocolatey. Chocolately is quicker to set up but may conflict with existing installations. We use Chocolatey for CI.

Install manually

  • Install Visual Studio 2022 Professional:
    • Select Desktop Development with C++ and use the default components
  • Install Git:
    • Use defaults
  • Install LLVM 15.0.7:
    • When prompted, select Add LLVM to the system PATH for all users
  • Install CMake:
    • When prompted, select Add CMake to the system PATH for all users
  • Install Python (version 3.x):
    • Select Add Python 3.x to PATH
    • Create a symbolic link called python3.exe that points to the actual python (version 3.x) executable. This is necessary for some of the scripts to run correctly when #!/usr/bin/env python3 is at the top of the file. Open Command Prompt as administrator and enter:
      where python
      cd <first_path_in_list>
      mklink python3.exe python.exe
  • Install requests module for Python
    pip3 install requests
  • Install cmake-format
    pip3 install cmake-format
  • Install black and flake8
    pip3 install black==23.1.0 flake8==7.1.1
  • Install colorama to enable color diff support
    pip3 install colorama
  • Install Conan
    pip3 install conan==1.63.0
  • Install Doxygen:
    • After installation, add the install location to your PATH. Open PowerShell as administrator and enter:
      [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";C:\Program Files\doxygen\bin", "Machine")
  • Enable Long Paths. This ensures that all Conan libraries are installed in ~/.conan. Open PowerShell as administrator and enter:
    New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" -Name "LongPathsEnabled" -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force
  • Then refresh PowerShell so that newly added dependencies are available in the path.

Install with Chocolatey

  • Install Chocolatey and then install dependencies
    choco install -y visualstudio2022professional visualstudio2022-workload-nativedesktop python cmake ninja git doxygen.install vswhere --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System'
    choco install -y llvm --version=15.0.7
    choco install -y conan --version 1.63.0

    Note: If you see a warning like Chocolatey detected you are not running from an elevated command shell, reopen Command Prompt as administrator

  • Create a symbolic link called python3.exe that points to the actual python (version 3.x) executable. This is necessary for some of the scripts to run correctly when #!/usr/bin/env python3 is at the top of the file.
    where python
    cd <first_path_in_list>
    mklink python3.exe python.exe
  • Install requests
    pip3 install requests
  • Install cmake-format
    pip3 install cmake-format
  • Install black and flake8
    pip3 install black==23.1.0 flake8==7.1.1
  • Install colorama to enable color diff support
    pip3 install colorama
  • Enable Long Paths. This ensures that all Conan libraries are installed correctly. Open PowerShell as administrator and enter:
    New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" -Name "LongPathsEnabled" -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force
  • Then refresh PowerShell so that newly added dependencies are available in the path.

Clone the repository

git clone --recurse-submodules

If you forget the --recurse-submodules, nothing will work because the Git submodules will be missing. You should be able to fix it with

git submodule update --init --recursive



## Release
cmake -B build
cmake --build build --target install --parallel 8

## Debug
cmake -B build-debug -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build-debug --target install --parallel 8

Binaries will be written to build/bin. Shared libraries and static libraries will be written to build/lib.


## Release
cmake -B build
cmake --build build --config Release --target install --parallel 8

## Debug
cmake -B build
cmake --build build --config Debug --target install --parallel 8

Binaries and shared libraries will be written to build/bin/Release. Static libraries and python modules will be written to build/lib/Release.

CMake will select the most recent version of Visual Studio on your system unless overridden with a generator (e.g. -G "Visual Studio 17 2022").


Install Docker Engine CE For Ubuntu

Enter the container:

docker build --tag cesiumgs/cesium-omniverse:almalinux8 -f docker/AlmaLinux8.Dockerfile .
docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume $PWD:/var/app cesiumgs/cesium-omniverse:almalinux8

Once inside the container, build like usual. Note that linters are turned off. It won't affect the build, it just means there won't be code formatting or linting. It will build fine with GCC.

cmake --build build

Advanced build options

For faster builds, use the --parallel option

cmake -B build
cmake --build build --parallel 8

To use a specific C/C++ compiler, set CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER and CMAKE_C_COMPILER

cmake -B build -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-15 -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-15
cmake --build build

Make sure to use a different build folder for each compiler, otherwise you may see an error from Conan like

Library [name] not found in package, might be system one.

This error can also be avoided by deleting build/CMakeCache.txt before switching compilers.

To view verbose output from the compiler, use the --verbose option

cmake -B build
cmake --build build --verbose

To change the build configuration, set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to one of the following values:

  • Debug: Required for coverage
  • Release: Used for production builds
  • RelWithDebInfo: Similar to Release but has debug symbols
  • MinSizeRel: Similar to Release but smaller compile size

On Linux

cmake -B build-relwithdebinfo -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
cmake --build build-relwithdebinfo

On Windows

cmake -B build
cmake --build build --config RelWithDebInfo

Note that Windows (MSVC) is a multi-configuration generator meaning all four build configurations are created during the configure step and the specific configuration is chosen during the build step. If using Visual Studio there will be a dropdown to select the build configuration.

Ninja is also supported as an alternative to the MSVC generator. To build with Ninja locally open x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022 and run:

cmake -B build -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=cl -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=cl -G "Ninja Multi-Config"
cmake --build build --config Release --parallel 8

Unit Tests

Unit tests can be run by starting the Cesium Omniverse Tests extension inside Omniverse.


It's a good idea to generate code coverage frequently to ensure that you're adequately testing new features. To do so run

cmake -B build-debug -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build-debug --target generate-coverage

Once finished, the coverage report will be located at build-debug/coverage/index.html.


  • Coverage is disabled in Release mode because it would be inaccurate and we don't want coverage instrumentation in our release binaries anyway
  • Coverage is not supported on Windows


cmake -B build
cmake --build build --target generate-documentation

Once finished, documentation will be located at build/docs/html/index.html.


To install CesiumOmniverse into the Omniverse Kit extension run:

cmake -B build
cmake --build build --target install

This will install the libraries to exts/cesium.omniverse/bin.

Advanced Install Instructions

In some cases it's helpful to produce a self-contained build that can be tested outside of Omniverse. The instructions below are intended for debugging purposes only.

To install CesiumOmniverse onto the local system run:

On Linux

cmake -B build
cmake --build build
cmake --install build --component library --prefix /path/to/install/location

On Windows

cmake -B build
cmake --build build --config Release
cmake --install build --config Release --component library --prefix /path/to/install/location


To enable performance tracing set CESIUM_OMNI_ENABLE_TRACING:

cmake --build build

A file called cesium-trace-xxxxxxxxxxx.json will be saved to the exts/cesium-omniverse folder when the program exits. This file can then be inspected in chrome://tracing/.

Note that the JSON output may get truncated if the program closes unexpectedly - e.g. when the debugging session is stopped or the program crashes - or if app.fastShutdown is true (like with Omniverse Create and Therefore the best workflow for performance tracing is to run and close the window normally.


When sanitizers are enabled they will check for mistakes that are difficult to catch at compile time, such as reading past the end of an array or dereferencing a null pointer. Sanitizers should not be used for production builds because they inject these checks into the binaries themselves, creating some runtime overhead.


Note: memory leak detection is not supported on Windows currently. See google/sanitizers#1026 (comment)

Note: memory leak detection does not work while debugging with gdb. See

To verify that sanitization is working, add the following code to any cpp file.

int arr[4] = {0};
arr[argc + 1000] = 0;

After running, it should print something like

main.cpp:114:22: runtime error: index 1001 out of bounds for type 'int [4]'
main.cpp:114:24: runtime error: store to address 0x7ffe16f44c44 with insufficient space for an object of type 'int'
0x7ffe16f44c44: note: pointer points here
  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


To format code based on the .clang-format configuration file

cmake -B build
cmake --build build --target clang-format-fix-all

The full list of targets is below:

  • clang-format-fix-all - Formats all code
  • clang-format-fix-staged - Formats staged code
  • clang-format-check-all - Checks for formatting problems in all code
  • clang-format-check-staged - Checks for formatting problems in staged code

Please note that the clang-format-fix-all and clang-format-fix-staged targets will add fixes in the working area, not in the staging area. We also have a Git hook that is installed on project configuration that will check if the staging area is properly formatted before permitting a commit.


clang-tidy is run during the build to catch common coding errors. clang-tidy is used for linting and static code analysis based on the .clang-tidy configuration file.

We also generate CMake targets to run these tools manually

Run clang-tidy:

cmake -B build
cmake --build build --target clang-tidy


Build Linux Package (Local)

Linux packages are built in the AlmaLinux 8 Docker container. A Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 compatible OS is the minimum OS required by Omniverse and uses glibc 2.18 which is compatible with nearly all modern Linux distributions.

It's recommended to build AlmaLinux 8 packages in a separate clone of cesium-omniverse since the Docker container will overwrite files in the extern/nvidia/_build and exts folders.

Run the following shell script from the root cesium-omniverse directory:


The resulting .zip file will be written to the build-package directory (e.g.

Build Windows Package (Local)

Run the following batch script from the root cesium-omniverse directory:


The resulting .zip file will be written to the build-package directory (e.g.


We use VSCode as our primary IDE for development. While everything can be done on the command line the .vscode project folder has built-in tasks for building, running unit tests, generating documentation, etc.


Each workspace contains recommended extensions and settings for VSCode development. Make sure to open the workspace for your OS instead of opening the cesium-omniverse folder directly.


.vscode/tasks.json comes with the following tasks:

  • Configure - configures the project
  • Build (advanced) - configures and builds the project
  • Build (tracing) - configures and builds the project with tracing enabled
  • Build (kit debug) - configures and builds the project using NVIDIA debug libraries
  • Build (verbose) - configures and builds the project with verbose output
  • Build (debug) - configures and builds the project in debug mode with the default compiler
  • Build (release) - configures and builds the project in release mode with the default compiler
  • Build Only (debug) - builds the project in debug mode with the default compiler
  • Build Only (release) - builds the project in release mode with the default compiler
  • Clean - cleans the build directory
  • Coverage - generates a coverage report and opens a web browser showing the results
  • Documentation - generates documentation and opens a web browser showing the results
  • Format - formats the code with clang-format
  • Lint - runs clang-tidy
  • Lint Fix - runs clang-tidy and fixes issues
  • Dependency Graph - shows the third party library dependency graph

To run a task:

  • Ctrl + Shift + B and select the task, e.g. Build
  • Select the build type and compiler (if applicable)


Windows and Linux versions of launch.json are provided in the .vscode folder.

  • On Windows copy and rename it to launch.json.
  • On Linux copy launch.linux.json and rename it to launch.json.

Alternatively, create a symlink so that launch.json always stays up-to-date:

# Windows - Command Prompt As Administrator
cd .vscode
mklink launch.json
# Linux
cd .vscode
sudo ln -s launch.linux.json launch.json

Then select a configuration from the Run and Debug panel, such as Kit App, and click the green arrow.

Note: Most configurations run a build-only prelaunch task. This assumes the project has already been configured. When debugging for the first time make sure to configure the project first by pressing Ctrl + Shift + B and running Build (debug).

Note: For running the Performance Tracing configuration, make sure the project has been configured with tracing enabled by pressing Ctrl + Shift + B and running Build (tracing).

Note: For running the Development App (Kit Debug) configuration make sure the project has been built with NVIDIA debug libraries by pressing Ctrl + Shift + B and running Build (kit debug).

Note: For Python debugging, first run Python Debugging (start), then wait for Omniverse to load, then run Python Debugging (attach). Now you can set breakpoints in both the C++ and Python code.

Launch/Debug Troubleshooting

  • When running in debug within vscode, if you find execution halting at a breakpoint outside the cesium codebase, you may need to uncheck "C++: on throw" under the "Breakpoints" section of the "Run and Debug" panel.
  • On Linux, if you are given an error or warning about IOMMU, you may need to turn this off in the BIOS. IOMMU also goes by the name of Intel VT-d and AMD-Vi.
  • On Linux, if repeated "[Omniverse app]" is not responding prompts to either force quit or wait, you may want to extend the global timeout for such events from the default 5s to 30s with the following command (for gnome):
gsettings set org.gnome.mutter check-alive-timeout 30000

Project Structure

  • src - Source code for the CesiumOmniverse library
  • include - Include directory for the CesiumOmniverse library
  • tests - Unit tests
  • extern - Third-party dependencies that aren't on Conan
  • cmake - CMake helper files
  • scripts - Build scripts and Git hooks
  • docker - Docker files

Third Party Libraries

We use Conan as our C++ third party package manager for dependencies that are public and not changed often. Third party libraries are always built from source and are cached on the local system for subsequent builds.

To add a new dependency to Conan

Some dependencies are pulled in as Git submodules instead. When adding a new git submodule add the license to ThirdParty.extra.json.

ThirdParty.json is autogenerated and combines ThirdParty.extra.json and Conan dependencies.

Overriding Packman Libraries

The external dependencies from Nvidia use Nvidia's packman tool to fetch and install. The dependency files are found at /extern/nvidia/deps in this repository. You can override these by using a *.packman.xml.user file. For example, to override the version of kit you can create a user file called kit-sdk.packman.xml.user next to kit-sdk.packman.xml in the deps directory. You can then use standard packman configurations within this file, such as:

<project toolsVersion="5.6">
  <dependency name="kit_sdk" linkPath="../_build/target-deps/kit-sdk/">
    <package name="kit-sdk" version="${platform}.release"/>
  <dependency name="kit_sdk_debug" linkPath="../_build/target-deps/kit-sdk-debug/">
    <package name="kit-sdk" version="${platform}.debug"/>

The above configuration would override the version of the Kit SDK used to

These user files are ignored by the .gitignore so it is safe to test out prerelease and private versions of new libraries.