MinionRNG is a high-performance pseudo-random-number library suitable for scientific simulation. It is based on the xoshiro256** algorithm developed by David Blackman and Sebastiano Vigna.
Copyright © 2019 Reed A. Cartwright, PhD <>
See below for example usage.
#include <cstdio>
#include "minion.hpp"
// create a PRNG object with default seed
minion::Random mrand;
int main() {
// create a 64-bit pre-seed using (1) well-mixed bits, (2) pid, (3) time, and (4) std::random_device
uint64_t seed64 = minion::create_uint64_seed(minion::create_seed_seq());
// reduce seed to 31 bits (not needed, but easier for users to work with)
int seed = seed64 >> 33;
// reseed mrand
printf("Seed is %d\n",seed);
// generate random values
for(int i=0;i<1000;++i) {
// uniformly distributed integers between [0,2^64)
uint64_t u = mrand.u64();
// uniformly distributed floating-point numbers between (0,1)
double f = mrand.f52();
printf("%d %lu %f\n", i, u, f);
return 0;