- This is NOT an official implementation, Google's official plugin is here
- For proper support please use that plugin
- I created this plugin to use in my own applications as I encountered various difficulties with the official plugin.
- Therefore, the main use case is that it works in my own applications, but it may be useful for others, which is why I opened sourced it.
This plugin provides bindings for LiteRT (formerly TF lite) for standalone dart. If you want to use this in Flutter, consider using the Flutter package. Try it out in the browser!
This fork of the official plugin tries to improve upon the official implementation in a few key areas:
- Dart standalone support
- Improved binary handling
- Up-to-date binaries
- Easily switch between binaries
- Improved platform support
- Linux arm 64
- Windows arm 64
- Web support is planned
New features from the official implementation will also be integrated in this fork.
In the dependency section of pubspec.yaml
file, add lite_rt_for_dart: <your version>
import 'package:lite_rt_for_dart/tflite_flutter.dart';
// IMPORTANT: initialize the plugin
// Load a model from file
final interpreter = await Interpreter.fromFile('path/to/your/model.tflite');
Refer to the documentation for info on creating interpreter from a buffer or a file.
For single input and output
Use void run(Object input, Object output)
// For ex: if input tensor shape [1,5] and type is float32
var input = [[1.23, 6.54, 7.81, 3.21, 2.22]];
// if output tensor shape [1,2] and type is float32
var output = List.filled(1*2, 0).reshape([1,2]);
// inference, output);
// print the output
For multiple inputs and outputs
Use void runForMultipleInputs(List<Object> inputs, Map<int, Object> outputs)
var input0 = [1.23];
var input1 = [2.43];
// input: List<Object>
var inputs = [input0, input1, input0, input1];
var output0 = List<double>.filled(1, 0);
var output1 = List<double>.filled(1, 0);
// output: Map<int, Object>
var outputs = {0: output0, 1: output1};
// inference
interpreter.runForMultipleInputs(inputs, outputs);
// print outputs
To utilize asynchronous inference, first create your Interpreter
and then wrap it with IsolateInterpreter
final interpreter = await Interpreter.fromAsset('assets/your_model.tflite');
final isolateInterpreter =
await IsolateInterpreter.create(address: interpreter.address);
Both run
and runForMultipleInputs
methods of isolateInterpreter
are asynchronous:
await, output);
await isolateInterpreter.runForMultipleInputs(inputs, outputs);
By using IsolateInterpreter
, the inference runs in a separate isolate. This ensures that the main isolate, responsible for UI tasks, remains unblocked and responsive.
This package uses ffigen to generate FFI bindings. To run code generation, you can use the following melos command:
melos run ffigen