Suivi Numerique is a couchapp for tracking visitors datas during physical events. Think forms, stored in CouchDB, run via Javascript and Sammy.js.
- A running CouchDB server (>= 0.11)
- CouchApp - You need the latest and greatest couchapp for the push to work without errors. Follow these instructions to install from source
All you need to do to get up and running after the requirements are installed is:
$ couchapp push . http://localhost:5984/suivinumerique
It should print out instructions of where you can view it.
You can also set up a .couchapprc file that looks something like this:
"env": {
"default": {
"db": "http://admin:password@localhost:5984/suivinumerique"
Once that is set up you can just do:
$ couchapp push
Suivi Numerique is mainly based on Swinger (
- Sammy.js for frontend controller/routing
- CouchApp for hosting the app in CouchDB
- Aristo CSS for base buttons/styles
- Showdown for Markdown
- Prettify for Code higlighting