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Environment Variables

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In this section you will find a lot of environment variables to control your container-behavior and gameserver-settings. Due to the extensive control options, the settings are split into two parts for documentation: Container-Settings and Gameserver-Settings.


These settings control the behavior of the Docker container:

Important: If you want to change the server settings via environment variables use the default value (auto) for the environment variable SERVER_SETTINGS_MODE, otherwise change it to manual and edit the config file directly.

Variable Description Default value Allowed values
TZ Timezone used for time stamping server backups Europe/Berlin See TZ identifiers
ALWAYS_UPDATE_ON_START Updates the server on startup true false/true
MULTITHREAD_ENABLED Sets options for "Improved multi-threaded CPU performance" true false/true
COMMUNITY_SERVER Set to enabled, the server will appear in the Community-Serverlist. true false/true
BACKUP_ENABLED Backup function, creates backups in your game directory true false/true
BACKUP_CRON_EXPRESSION Needs a Cron-Expression - See Cron expression 0 * * * * (meaning every hour) Cron-Expression
BACKUP_RETENTION_POLICY Set to enabled, will cleanup old backups false false/true
BACKUP_RETENTION_AMOUNT_TO_KEEP Defines how many backups in numbers to keep 30 Integer
SERVER_SETTINGS_MODE Determines whether settings can be modified via environment variables or via file, except COMMUNITY_SERVER and MULTITHREAD_ENABLED! auto auto: Settings are modified only by environment variables, manual edits will be ignored
manual: Settings are modified only by editing the file directly, environment variables are ignored
STEAMCMD_VALIDATE_FILES Set to enabled SteamCMD will also validate the gameserver files, making sure nothing is corrupted and also overwrite any file changes of the source
true false/true

TZ identifiers

The TZ setting affects logging output and the backup function. TZ identifiers are a format for defining a timezone near you.

Cron expression

The BACKUP_CRON_EXPRESSION setting affects the backup function. In a Cron-Expression, you define an interval for when to run jobs. This image uses Supercronic for crons, see or


This section lists all the settings currently adjustable via Docker environment variables, based on the order and contents of the DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini.

Information sources and credits to the following websites:

Important: Please note that all of this is subject to change. The game is still in early access.

To change a setting, you can set the environment variable to the value you want. If the environment variable is not set or is blank, the default value will be used.

Variable Game setting Description Default value Allowed value
NETSERVERMAXTICKRATE NetServerMaxTickRate Changes the TickRate of the server, be very careful with this setting! 120 30-120
DIFFICULTY Difficulty Choose one of the following:
None Enum
DAYTIME_SPEEDRATE DayTimeSpeedRate Day time speed - Smaller number means shorter days 1.000000 Float
NIGHTTIME_SPEEDRATE NightTimeSpeedRate Night time speed - Smaller number means shorter nights 1.000000 Float
EXP_RATE ExpRate EXP rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_CAPTURE_RATE PalCaptureRate Pal capture rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_SPAWN_NUM_RATE PalSpawnNumRate Pal appearance rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_DAMAGE_RATE_ATTACK PalDamageRateAttack Damage from pals multiplier 1.000000 Float
PAL_DAMAGE_RATE_DEFENSE PalDamageRateDefense Damage to pals multiplier 1.000000 Float
PLAYER_DAMAGE_RATE_ATTACK PlayerDamageRateAttack Damage from player multiplier 1.000000 Float
PLAYER_DAMAGE_RATE_DEFENSE PlayerDamageRateDefense Damage to player multiplier 1.000000 Float
PLAYER_STOMACH_DECREASE_RATE PlayerStomachDecreaceRate Player hunger depletion rate 1.000000 Float
PLAYER_STAMINA_DECREACE_RATE PlayerStaminaDecreaceRate Player stamina reduction rate 1.000000 Float
PLAYER_AUTO_HP_REGENE_RATE PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate Player auto HP regeneration rate 1.000000 Float
PLAYER_AUTO_HP_REGENE_RATE_IN_SLEEP PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep Player sleep HP regeneration rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_STOMACH_DECREACE_RATE PalStomachDecreaceRate Pal hunger depletion rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_STAMINA_DECREACE_RATE PalStaminaDecreaceRate Pal stamina reduction rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_AUTO_HP_REGENE_RATE PalAutoHPRegeneRate Pal auto HP regeneration rate 1.000000 Float
PAL_AUTO_HP_REGENE_RATE_IN_SLEEP PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep Pal sleep health regeneration rate (in Palbox) 1.000000 Float
BUILD_OBJECT_DAMAGE_RATE BuildObjectDamageRate Damage to structure multiplier 1.000000 Float
BUILD_OBJECT_DETERIORATION_DAMAGE_RATE BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate Structure deterioration rate 1.000000 Float
COLLECTION_DROP_RATE CollectionDropRate Gatherable items multiplier 1.000000 Float
COLLECTION_OBJECT_HP_RATE CollectionObjectHpRate Gatherable objects HP multiplier 1.000000 Float
COLLECTION_OBJECT_RESPAWN_SPEED_RATE CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate Gatherable objects respawn interval 1.000000 Float
ENEMY_DROP_ITEM_RATE EnemyDropItemRate Dropped Items Multiplier 1.000000 Float
DEATH_PENALTY DeathPenalty None : No lost
Item : Lost item without equipment
ItemAndEquipment : Lost item and equipment
All: Lost All item, equipment, pal(in inventory)
All Enum
ENABLE_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER_DAMAGE bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamage Allows players to cause damage to players false Boolean
ENABLE_FRIENDLY_FIRE bEnableFriendlyFire Allow friendly fire false Boolean
ENABLE_INVADER_ENEMY bEnableInvaderEnemy Enable invaders true Boolean
ACTIVE_UNKO bActiveUNKO Enable UNKO false Boolean
ENABLE_AIM_ASSIST_PAD bEnableAimAssistPad Enable controller aim assist true Boolean
ENABLE_AIM_ASSIST_KEYBOARD bEnableAimAssistKeyboard Enable Keyboard aim assist false Boolean
DROP_ITEM_MAX_NUM DropItemMaxNum Maximum number of drops in the world 3000 Integer
DROP_ITEM_MAX_NUM_UNKO DropItemMaxNum Maximum number of UNKO drops in the world 100 Integer
BASE_CAMP_MAX_NUM BaseCampMaxNum Maximum number of base camps 128 Integer
BASE_CAMP_WORKER_MAXNUM BaseCampWorkerMaxNum Maximum number of workers 15 Integer
DROP_ITEM_ALIVE_MAX_HOURS DropItemAliveMaxHours Time it takes for items to despawn in hours 1.000000 Float
AUTO_RESET_GUILD_NO_ONLINE_PLAYERS bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayers Automatically reset guild when no players are online false Bool
AUTO_RESET_GUILD_TIME_NO_ONLINE_PLAYERS AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers Time to automatically reset guild when no players are online 72.000000 Float
GUILD_PLAYER_MAX_NUM GuildPlayerMaxNum Max player of Guild 20 Integer
PAL_EGG_DEFAULT_HATCHING_TIME PalEggDefaultHatchingTime Time(h) to incubate massive egg 72.000000 Float
WORK_SPEED_RATE WorkSpeedRate Work speed multiplier 1.000000 Float
IS_MULTIPLAY bIsMultiplay Enable multiplayer false Boolean
IS_PVP bIsPvP Enable PVP false Boolean
CAN_PICKUP_OTHER_GUILD_DEATH_PENALTY_DROP bCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDrop Allow players from other guilds to pick up death penalty items false Boolean
ENABLE_NON_LOGIN_PENALTY bEnableNonLoginPenalty Enable non-login penalty true Boolean
ENABLE_FAST_TRAVEL bEnableFastTravel Enable fast travel true Boolean
IS_START_LOCATION_SELECT_BY_MAP bIsStartLocationSelectByMap Enable selecting of start location true Boolean
EXIST_PLAYER_AFTER_LOGOUT bExistPlayerAfterLogout Toggle for deleting players when they log off false Boolean
ENABLE_DEFENSE_OTHER_GUILD_PLAYER bEnableDefenseOtherGuildPlayer Allows defense against other guild players false Boolean
COOP_PLAYER_MAX_NUM CoopPlayerMaxNum Maximum number of players in a guild 4 Integer
MAX_PLAYERS ServerPlayerMaxNum Maximum number of people who can join the server 32 Integer
SERVER_NAME ServerName Server name jammsen-docker-generated-###RANDOM### Integer
SERVER_DESCRIPTION ServerDescription Server description Palworld-Dedicated-Server running in Docker by jammsen String
ADMIN_PASSWORD server admin password AdminPassword adminPasswordHere String
SERVER_PASSWORD AdminPassword Set the server password. serverPasswordHere String
PUBLIC_PORT public port Public port number 8211 Integer
PUBLIC_IP public ip or FQDN Public IP or FQDN String
RCON_ENABLED RCONEnabled Enable RCON - Use ADMIN_PASSWORD to login false Boolean
RCON_PORT RCONPort Port number for RCON 25575 Integer
REGION Region Area String
USEAUTH bUseAuth Use authentication true Boolean
BAN_LIST_URL BanListURL Which ban list to use String

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