A lightweight library to provide compatibility between mods that implement Elytra alternatives.
Bad Mixins and Callbacks might make a Elytra alternative stop working. This library exists so that all modifications can be made from a single place.
This library takes inspiration is implemented using
the PlayerAbilityLib API.
Use FallFlyingLib.ABILITY
the same way as you would for creative flight!
You can add the library by inserting the following in your build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url = 'https://maven.cafeteria.dev'
content {
includeGroup 'net.adriantodt.fabricmc'
maven {
name = 'Ladysnake Mods'
url = 'https://ladysnake.jfrog.io/artifactory/mods'
content {
includeGroup 'io.github.ladysnake'
includeGroupByRegex 'io\\.github\\.onyxstudios.*'
dependencies {
modImplementation "net.adriantodt.fabricmc:fallflyinglib:${project.ffl_version}"
include "net.adriantodt.fabricmc:fallflyinglib:${project.ffl_version}"
You can then add the library version to your gradle.properties
# FallFlyingLib
You can find the current version of FFL in the releases tab of the repository on Github.
Be sure to also add PlayerAbilityLib!
Any mods that mixin into the parts of the code responsible for Elytra Flight will NOT work.
Ask the developer to use FallFlyingLib instead. It's really easy to implement things that do Elytra Flight, and there's also events implemented by FallFlyingLib that mods can listen.
And if the latter isn't enough, please feel free to contribute with the necessary events your mod needs!