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Hybrid OpenMP / MPI

Support for Hybrid OpenMP/MPI is in the preliminary stages. Here is an example job submission for an executable that combines OpenMP with MPI

#$ -pe openmpi-hybrid-4 8
#$ -l rmem=2G
#$ -l mem=6G
module load mpi/intel/openmpi
mpirun -bynode -np 2 -cpus-per-proc 4 [executable + options]

There would be 2 MPI processes running, each with 4x (6GB mem, 2GB rmem) shared between the 4 threads per MPI process, for a total of 8 x (6GB mem, 2GB rmem) for the entire job. When we tried this, we got warnings saying that the -cpus-per-proc was getting deprecated. A quick google suggests that

mpirun -np 2 --map-by node:pe=1 [executable + options]

would be the appropriate replacement.