JupyterLab extension used to search remote sensed imagery from various image providers.
This extension is composed of to parts:
- a React client plugin adding a tab into Jupyter Lab left panel,
- a Python Jupyter notebook REST service consumed by the client and served at
for JupyterHub (a home page is available at that URL).
The products search is based on the eodag library.
pip install .
jupyter labextension install .
eodag configuration file should be localized at .config/eodag/eodag.yaml
(see eodag documentation).
Make sure that that file is configured properly.
jupyter lab
# or
and browse http://localhost:8888 or http://localhost:8000.
Adjust port number.
npm install -g configurable-http-proxy
virtualenv -p `which python3.6` venv
pip install -e .[dev]
# Enables extension: required if package installed in editable mode!
# --sys-prefix required if running into virtual env
jupyter serverextension enable --py eodag_labextension --sys-prefix
pre-commit install
# Into first terminal
jlpm run watch
# Into second terminal
jupyter lab --watch --no-browser --ip=
then browse http://localhost:8888
Alternatively, plugin can be tested with JupyterHub with command jupyterhub
at URL http://localhost:8000.
On jupyterhub
version upgrade and if jupyterhub
command fails, it can be required to do a jupyterhub upgrade-db
On build error, try running npm prune && npm run clean && npm install
At statup, console prints a warning: Failed to fetch package metadata for 'eodag-labextension': <HTTPError 404: 'Not Found'>
This is because extension is not deployed on npm registry (see source).
Distributing Jupyter Extensions as Python Packages
Copyright 2020 CS GROUP - France All rights reserved