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COS 301 - 2021

COS 301 - 2021 Capstone Software Engineering Projects

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  1. Smart-Contract-Verifier Smart-Contract-Verifier Public

    This project is to create a system that uses DeFi technology to enforce contracts. Users will be able to set up contracts between each other, this includes an escrow service for payments. If users …

    Kotlin 20 4

  2. High-Five High-Five Public

    High Five is a real-time image analysis platform for images and videos taken by drone cameras. Users can add and customize the platform with the type of analysis that must be performed. Examples in…

    C# 10 1

  3. Bean-Bag Bean-Bag Public

    Polaris-Bean Bag. Bean Bag is an inventory management system that makes use of image recognition technology to catalog stock items such as second-hand furniture/clothing/books etc. A key feature is…

    C# 8 6

  4. Silicon-Scraper Silicon-Scraper Public

    Silicon Scraper is a platform that provides users with data from multiple online retailers regarding the prices and availability of CPUs as well as GPUs. A unique feature that the platform provides…

    Jupyter Notebook 6 4

  5. Audio-Suite Audio-Suite Public

    Audio Suite is a web application that simulates the open office work environment with audio. Audio Suite allows for seamless movement around a virtual office space that has real world sound propert…

    C# 5 4

  6. Harmony Harmony Public

    Visiting South Africa a tourist would not know what a Bunny Chow is, let alone what it pairs well with. They would pull out their phone, snap a picture of their meal and Harmony would show them the…

    JavaScript 5


Showing 10 of 31 repositories


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