This is the repository for the GenderMag Recorders Assistant About GenderMag Recorders Assistant:
- About GenderMag Recorders Assistant
- Goal
- How to Contribute
- How to Fix Bugs
- FAQ's
- More About GenderMag
- How to use the Tool
Software has been facing usability problems since programs first started to be made. GenderMag Recorders Assistant looks to address problems with User Focus, Information Content, Structure, Layout, and much more.
Many of the problems found with the GenderMag Recorders Assistant show a bias towards usage patterns common in men or women.
This means that software is often biased towards a subset of the population instead of being inclusive to the population as a whole. Anyone can learn to use the GenderMag Recorders Assistant, from software engineers to management to usability experts.
Diverse ideas and opinions enhance the process for all involved and as such we welcome anyone from any background to contribute to our process of trying to make the world of software more gender inclusive.
Due to the lack of all encompassing software, GM Recorders Assistant aims to provide a wide range of people with a way to fix the software we use everyday.
People with little to no experience can use GM Recorders Assistant and find an array of problems. People who’ve been contributing to open source for years can also use GM Recorders Assistant and find just as many problems.
See file
CM Chris**
CM Chris** How to download chrome extension What language do we use How much experience with Open Source do I need?
At the GenderMag method’s core are five problem-solving facets that matter to software’s gender-inclusiveness. These facets are :
a user’s motivations for using the software,
their information processing style,
their computer self-efficacy,
their attitude towards risk, &
their ways of learning new technology.
The GenderMag method brings these facets to life with 4 personas (Tim, Abby, Patrick and Patricia), and sets the personas and facets into a simple, systematic process (The GenderMag Cognitive Walkthrough). CM How we get from here to the tool
The GenderMag Cognitive Walkthrough specializes and streamlines the traditional cognitive walkthrough, incorporating explicit references to the five facets of gender inclusiveness:
a user’s motivations for using the software,
their information processing style,
their computer self-efficacy,
their attitude towards risk, &
their ways of learning new technology.
Through the GM Cognitive Walkthrough we can follow the process to find gender-inclusiveness issues. We can then fix the issues we find one at a time to remove barriers that may disproportionately affect one gender.