DIPI is a working group within COG-UK. It aims to:
- Build a network of bioinformaticians who are developing software and pipelines that are core to the activities of the consortium.
- Connect this network to key users who submit data or conduct analysis.
- Provide a place to raise issues encountered during the running of software and pipelines and discuss potential implications and solutions.
- Agree, set and communicate standards for transferring data and messages between pipelines.
- Promote best practice for developing tools for use within the consortium, and releasing them as open source software to be used outside the remit of COG-UK.
- Discuss and plan for long-term running and maintenance of software and pipelines.
- Be responsible for communicating user-facing errors or changes that impact the consortium.
- CLIMB-COVID: continuous integration supporting decentralised sequencing for SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-021-02395-y