I am having a function f(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) that has to be minimised for the variable x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6. The range for the variables or the search domain is
x1 (300 to 1500),
x2 (0-10),
x3 (300 to 1500),
x4(0-10) ,
x5 (500 to 20000),
x6 (0-200)
which means the algo should search for variable falling in this range.
I am getting the function value from a simulator.
help(cma.fitness_transformations.ScaleCoordinates) is not clear to me how can I use it for my problem.
scalar, initial standard deviation in each coordinate. sigma0 should be about 1/4th of the search domain width (where the optimum is to be expected). The variables in objective_function should be scaled such that they presumably have similar sensitivity. See also option scaling_of_variables.
if I am not usingcaleCoordinates I can not use sigma 0 bigger than 10 (x4(0-10) ) which is making the algo not searching in wider domain.
Can you please share or show any simpler example.