- If you're looking to grade this we have all of the information listed below. The website link is located here. Dependecies are located below.
- If you're looking for the code that loads our data into the database, check for server/data.csv for the actual beginner data, server/loader.js for the code that generates the sql, and loader.sql for the final sql. test
Artists and repertoire (known as A&R) is the division of a record label or music publishing company that is responsible for talent scouting and overseeing the artistic development of recording artists and songwriters. To create meaningful music sessions, A&R managers need to pair up artists, songwriters, and producers. This matchmaking is often done by leveraging personal connections and is kept personally.
The goal of this project is to create a website that A&R managers could visit to learn about what type of connections worked in the past, to create more meaningful connections in the future.
The website is now up! http://creditsworld.herokuapp.com/
To run the server:
cd server
node server
To run the client:
cd client
npm start
To set up the database, first install MySQL using homebrew:
brew install mysql
brew tap homebrew/services
brew services start mysql
Next set up a user in MySQL. The credentials in our app have username: root, password: 5684
mysqladmin -u root password '5648'
Now to login to MySQL run:
mysql -u root -p
and enter 5648 for the password.
Once you login to the databse create the creditsworld database:
CREATE DATABASE creditsworld;
Switch the database to creditsworld using:
use creditsworld;
Then you should be good to go! To load data from the loader, open a new terminal (or logout of mysql) and run:
cd server
mysql -u root -p creditsworld < loader.sql
To login to the MySQL RDS run:
mysql -h <rds-endpoint> -P 1521 -u admin -p
Password: KFPanda550
-related dependenciesqs
- parse query stringsneovis.js
- neo4j graph vizbootstrap
- nice looking react componentsexpress
- express related dependenciesjest
- testing frameworkmorgan
- for printing each requestmysql
- for connecting to mysqlnode-fetch
- for HTTP requests