Option | -Description | -Default Value | -
UNIT_TESTING | -Generates Unit Test for compilation. When turning this option ON, cmocka is a required dependency for compilation. After Compiling, use `ctest` to run Unit Test. |
-OFF | -
UNIT_TESTING_MOCKS | -This option works only with GCC. It uses -ld option from linker to mock functions during unit test. This is used to test platform or HTTP functions by mocking the return values. | -OFF | -
PRECONDITIONS | -Turning this option OFF would remove all method contracts. This is typically for shipping libraries for production to make it as optimized as possible. | -ON | -
TRANSPORT_CURL | -This option requires Libcurl dependency to be available. It generates an HTTP stack with libcurl for az_http to be able to send requests thru the wire. This library would replace the no_http. | -OFF | -
TRANSPORT_PAHO | -This option requires paho-mqtt dependency to be available. Provides Paho MQTT support for IoT. | -OFF | -
AZ_PLATFORM_IMPL | -This option can be set to any of the next values: - No_value: default value is used and no_platform library is used. - "POSIX": Provides implementation for Linux and Mac systems. - "WIN32": Provides platform implementation for Windows based system - "USER": Tells cmake to use an specific implementation provided by user. When setting this option, user must provide an implementation library and set option `AZ_USER_PLATFORM_IMPL_NAME` with the name of the library (i.e. -DAZ_PLATFORM_IMPL=USER -DAZ_USER_PLATFORM_IMPL_NAME=user_platform_lib ). cmake will look for this library to link az_core |
-No_value | -
Option | +Description | +Default Value | +
UNIT_TESTING | +Generates Unit Test for compilation. When turning this option ON, cmocka is a required dependency for compilation. After Compiling, use `ctest` to run Unit Test. |
+OFF | +
UNIT_TESTING_MOCKS | +This option works only with GCC. It uses -ld option from linker to mock functions during unit test. This is used to test platform or HTTP functions by mocking the return values. | +OFF | +
PRECONDITIONS | +Turning this option OFF would remove all method contracts. This is typically for shipping libraries for production to make it as optimized as possible. | +ON | +
TRANSPORT_CURL | +This option requires Libcurl dependency to be available. It generates an HTTP stack with libcurl for az_http to be able to send requests thru the wire. This library would replace the no_http. | +OFF | +
TRANSPORT_PAHO | +This option requires paho-mqtt dependency to be available. Provides Paho MQTT support for IoT. | +OFF | +
AZ_PLATFORM_IMPL | +This option can be set to any of the next values: - No_value: default value is used and no_platform library is used. - "POSIX": Provides implementation for Linux and Mac systems. - "WIN32": Provides platform implementation for Windows based system - "USER": Tells cmake to use an specific implementation provided by user. When setting this option, user must provide an implementation library and set option `AZ_USER_PLATFORM_IMPL_NAME` with the name of the library (i.e. -DAZ_PLATFORM_IMPL=USER -DAZ_USER_PLATFORM_IMPL_NAME=user_platform_lib ). cmake will look for this library to link az_core |
+No_value | +