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Deprecated Code Features

Elizabeth Hunke edited this page Jul 29, 2022 · 23 revisions

The following code features are scheduled to be deprecated. They are no longer maintained and will be removed from the code in two stages:

  1. disable and remove the associated options from namelist and documentation (Doc) but keeping the functionality internally
  2. remove the associated code completely.

These changes will be made in the first release following the dates given below.

If you have concerns about these planned changes, please begin a conversation at the CICE Community Forum.

Deprecated functionality Namelist removal date Complete removal date Namelist flag Namelist value Doc Reason / Comments
upwind advection 1 July 2020 NA advection upwind Doc - less accurate than the incremental remapping scheme
- user request to retain code for idealized experiments
delta-function ITD TBD TBD kitd 0 Doc - less accurate than linear incremental remapping
- on hold pending better understanding of ncat=1
NCAR bulk forcing 1 Sept 2020 NA atm_data_type ncar Doc updated Consortium tests to JRA-55
deprecated except for gx3 binary forcing tests
COREII forcing 1 Sept 2020 28 Feb 2022 atm_data_type LYq Doc updated Consortium tests to JRA-55
gx1 CORE forcing option deprecated in #643, CICE version 6.3.1 release
restart namelist 1 July 2021 3 Sep 2021 restart anything Doc restart is being set internally depending on runtype and ice_ic
- deprecated in #610, CICE version 6.3.0 release
CCSM shortwave TBD TBD shortwave ccsm3 Doc based on simple, empirical relationships (from SHEBA); other options have more physically based parameterizations
- deprecation postponed indefinitely because several operational centers are still using it
old ridging participation, redistribution 15 July 2022 TBD krdg_partic
Doc can lead to instabilities
- deprecation postponed, to be considered during upcoming ridging parameterization development and testing
CESM melt ponds 15 July 2022 1 Sept 2022 tr_pond_cesm true Doc based on simple, empirical relationships (from SHEBA); other options have more physically based parameterizations
0-layer thermodynamics 15 July 2022 1 Sept 2022 ktherm 0 Doc based on simple, empirical relationships (from SHEBA); other options have more physically based parameterizations