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This repository contains files needed to run versions 6 and higher of the sea ice model CICE, which is now maintained by the CICE Consortium. Versions prior to v6 are found in the CICE-svn-trunk repository.

CICE consists of a top level driver and dynamical core plus the Icepack column physics code, which is included in CICE as a git submodule. Because Icepack is a submodule of CICE, Icepack and CICE development are handled independently with respect to the github repositories even though development and testing may be done together.

Obtaining CICE

A list of the official CICE releases along with release notes is located here:

If you expect to make any changes to the code, we recommend that you first fork both the CICE and Icepack repositories. Basic instructions for working with CICE and Icepack are found in the Git Workflow Guidance, linked from the wikis in the primary code repositories

CICE may be obtained in several different ways: [not yet tested]

  1. clone the full repository
    See Git Workflow Guidance
  2. check out only a particular branch, version or tag
    In the workflow for step 1 above, substitute
    git clone -b branch_name local_directory_name
    or use svn
    svn co
    where "branch name" can also be a version name
  3. download a tarball for a particular version from the git releases (see above)

More Information

The CICE wiki page contains links to additional information, e.g.

  • complete documentation - both searchable html and pdf
  • larger files such as the gx1 grid, land mask, and forcing files
  • testing data

The Test-Results wiki has test results for both CICE and Icepack.

The About-Us repository includes background and supporting information about the CICE Consortium, including how to interact with it.

See also our FAQ.