This is an attempt at aggregating outstanding time manager issues. Several have been fixed as a result of the new JRA55 implementation and the new time manager. But there are still a few outstanding questions/issues.
- We do not read the time axis in the forcing datasets. The file record is based on the yday value and it assumes the input files are yearly and have a particular input frequency. There are few checks that the forcing date and model date actually match. This could be improved (a bunch).
- Still open question about whether we should advance at the beginning of the timestep in the standalone model. The coupled models advance at the beginning, but the standalone advances at the end of the timestep (including at the end of the initialization).
- Some question about the usage of use_restart_time, ice_ic, and runtype interaction. For now, we're leaving as is. Partly this is use_restart_time and runtype = 'continue' #527.
- Documentation/naming of dt and dt_dyn, Timestep documentation and implementation consistency #139.
- Ability to write output at step=1, Small bug in hourly history output #289
- time beg issue, 'time_beg' sometimes not initialized before being written to 'time_bounds' NetCDF variable (NetCDF files not usable by Panoply) #551 , see Fix QC test, fix bug in history time axis, fix history output averaging for timestep output #624
- Problem with hourly output, Hourly output broken by recent time manager update #589, Fix history and restart frequency, new features to scripts #610
- Problem with history time axis. Axis is offset by sec_init when sec_init is not zero. See Fix QC test, fix bug in history time axis, fix history output averaging for timestep output #624.
Feel free to edit (add/remove items) this list here while also commenting below.