A collection of helper functions and code used for speeding up Blender 3D Python script development.
Checkout project examples YouTube: Art with a Python script
Important: This package assumes you are using Blender's embedded Python interpreter.
YouTube: How to install the bpy Building Blocks Python package
Make sure the site-packages
folder of Blender's embedded Python interpreter is writable
See video ^ if you are not sure how to do that
If you won't do this the package will be installed into another folder outside of Blender's embedded Python interpreter.
And you will see this warning: Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Run the pip install:
Blender <VERSION>/<VERSION>/python/bin/python.exe -m pip install bpy-building-blocks
> cd C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 3.2\3.2\python\bin
> .\python.exe -m pip install bpy-building-blocks
Important: Make sure pip is available.
Run ensurepip
/Applications/Blender.app/Contents/Resources/<VERSION>/python/bin/python -m ensurepip
Run the pip install:
/Applications/Blender.app/Contents/Resources/<VERSION>/python/bin/python -m pip install bpy-building-blocks
Important: Make sure pip is available.
Run ensurepip
~/<INSTALL LOCATION OF BLENDER>/<VERSION>/python/bin/python -m ensurepip
Run the pip install:
~/<INSTALL LOCATION OF BLENDER>/<VERSION>/python/bin/python -m pip install bpy-building-blocks
bpy_building_blocks_addon on github
See video for details YouTube: How to install the bpy Building Blocks Python package
- bpybb.utils.active_object() - Get a references to the currently active object
- bpybb.utils.clean_scene() - Removing all of the objects, collection, materials, particles, textures, images, curves, meshes, actions, nodes, and worlds from the scene; Checkout this video explanation with example "How to clean the scene with Python in Blender (with examples)"
- bpybb.utils.purge_orphans() - Remove all orphan data blocks; see this from more info: https://youtu.be/3rNqVPtbhzc?t=149
- bpybb.utils.edit_mode() - A context manager to get into and out of edit mode
- bpybb.utils.make_active(obj) - Make the passed in object active
- bpybb.utils.parent(child_obj, parent_obj, keep_transform=False) - Parent one object to another
- bpybb.utils.duplicate_object(obj=None, linked=False)
- bpybb.utils.render_animation() - Renders the animation in the currently active scene
- bpybb.utils.render_image(write_still=False) - Renders the currently active scene
- bpybb.utils.remove_libraries() - Remove libraries that were linked into the Blend file
- bpybb.utils.deselect_all_objects() - Similar to bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT")
- bpybb.color.convert_srgb_to_linear_rgb(srgb_color_component) - Converting from sRGB to Linear RGB based on sRGB to CIE XYZ
- bpybb.color.hex_color_to_rgb(hex_color) - Converting from a color in the form of a hex triplet string to a Linear RGB (Supports: "#RRGGBB" or "RRGGBB")
- bpybb.color.hex_color_to_rgba(hex_color, alpha=1.0) - Converting from a color in the form of a hex triplet string to a Linear RGB (Supports: "#RRGGBB" or "RRGGBB") with an Alpha value
- bpybb.addon.enable_addon(addon_module_name) - enables a given addon; Checkout this video explanation with example "How to enable add-ons with Python in Blender (with examples)"
- bpybb.addon.enable_animation_animall() - enable Animall addon
- bpybb.addon.enable_ant_landscape() - enable ANT Landscape addon
- bpybb.addon.enable_extra_curves() - enable Add Curve Extra Objects addon
- bpybb.addon.enable_extra_meshes() - enable Add Mesh Extra Objects addon
- bpybb.addon.enable_import_images_as_planes() - enable Images as Planes addon
- bpybb.addon.enable_mod_tools() - enable Modifier Tools addon
- bpybb.addon.enable_pointcache_pc2() - enable Pointcache (pc2) addon
- bpybb.collection.create_collection(col_name) - creates a Blender Scene Collection
- bpybb.collection.create_collection(collection_name: str, location: mathutils.Vector, rotation_euler: Optional[mathutils.Euler] = None, base_collection: Optional[bpy_types.Collection] = None) -> bpy_types.Object - creates an instance of a collection
- bpybb.hdri.apply_hdri(path_to_image, bg_color, hdri_light_strength, bg_strength) - creates a HDRI setup based on a technique from a FlippedNormals tutorial
- bpybb.material.apply_material(material) - apply a material to the currently active object.
- bpybb.material.make_color_ramp_from_color_list(colors, color_ramp_node) - creates new sliders on a Color Ramp Node and applies the list of colors on each slider
- bpybb.mesh.get_vert_coordinates_list(obj) - get a list of vertex coordinates for a given object
- bpybb.mesh.subdivide() - subdivide the current active object
- bpybb.random.time_seed() - Sets the random seed based on the time and copies the seed into the clipboard
- bpybb.random.get_random_rotation() - Returns a random Euler rotation on X, Y, Z
- bpybb.object.add_empty(name=None) - Add an Empty object into the scene
- bpybb.object.apply_location() - Applies the location of the current object
- bpybb.object.rotate_object(axis: int, degrees: float) - Rotate the active object about a given axis
- bpybb.object.track_empty(obj) - Adds an Empty object and adds a To Track Constraint on the passed in object to track the Empty
- bpybb.object.add_bezier_circle(radius: float = 1.0, bevel_depth: float = 0.0, resolution_u: int = 12, extrude: float = 0.0) - Adds a Bezier circle curve into the scene.
- bpybb.object.add_round_cube(radius: float = 1.0) - Adds a Round Cube into the scene.
- bpybb.object.add_subdivided_round_cube(radius: float = 1.0) - Adds a Round Cube into the scene and applies a Subdivision modifier.
- join_objects(objects: list[bpy_types.Object]) -> bpy_types.Object - Joins the provided objects into one object
- bpybb.animate.set_fcurve_extrapolation_to_linear(obj=None) - loops over all the fcurves of an action and sets the extrapolation to "LINEAR"
- bpybb.animate.set_fcurve_interpolation_to_linear(obj=None) - loops over all the fcurve key frame points of an action and sets the interpolation to "LINEAR"
- bpybb.animate.animate_360_rotation(axis_index, last_frame, obj=None, clockwise=False, linear=True, start_frame=1) - animates the 360 rotation of an object about the given axis
- bpybb.animate.animate_rotation(angle, axis_index, last_frame, obj=None, clockwise=False, linear=True, start_frame=1) - animates the rotation of an object about the given axis
- bpybb.animate.create_data_animation_loop(obj, data_path, start_value, mid_value, start_frame, loop_length, linear_extrapolation=True) - make a data property loop
- bpybb.animate.animate_up_n_down_bob(start_value: mathutils.Vector, mid_value: mathutils.Vector, obj: bpy_types.Object = None, loop_length: int = 90, start_frame: int = random.randint(0, 60)) - animate the up and down bobbing motion of an object
- bpybb.animate.add_fcruve_cycles_modifier(obj: bpy_types.Object = None) - Apply a cycles modifier to all the fcurve animation data of an object.
- bpybb.modifier.add_displace_modifier(name: str, texture_type: str, empty_obj: bpy_types.Object = None) - Add a displace modifier and a texture to the currently active object.
- bpybb.output.set_1080p_render_res() - Set the resolution of the rendered image to 1080p
- bpybb.output.set_1080px_square_render_res() - Set the resolution of the rendered image to 1080 by 1080 pixels
- bpybb.output.set_1440px_square_render_res() - Set the resolution of the rendered image to 1440 by 1440 pixels
- bpybb.output.set_2048px_square_render_res() - Set the resolution of the rendered image to 2048 by 2048 pixels
- bpybb.output.set_2k_render_res() - Set the resolution of the rendered image to 2K
- bpybb.output.set_4096px_square_render_res() - Set the resolution of the rendered image to 4096 by 4096 pixels
- bpybb.output.set_4k_render_res() - Set the resolution of the rendered image to 4K
- bpybb.output.set_720px_square_render_res() - Set the resolution of the rendered image to 720 by 720 pixels
- bpybb.output.set_instagram_portrait_render_res() - Set the resolution of the rendered image to 1080x1350
- bpybb.output.set_instagram_square_render_res() - Set the resolution of the rendered image to 1080x1080
- bpybb.output.set_square_render_res(pixels) - Set the resolution of the rendered image to a square
- bpybb.output.set_twitter_landscape_render_res() - Set the resolution of the rendered image to 1280x720 from Twitter's Media Best Practices ref: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/v1/media/upload-media/uploading-media/media-best-practices
- bpybb.output.set_twitter_square_render_res() - Set the resolution of the rendered image to 720x720 from Twitter's Media Best Practices ref: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/v1/media/upload-media/uploading-media/media-best-practices
- bpybb.output.set_wqhd_render_res() - Set the resolution of the rendered image to 2560x1440 (QHD)
- bpybb.world_shader.set_up_world_sun_light() - Set up the lighing in a scene using the ShaderNodeTexSky world shader node